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Shivering timbers! It may have been just one poll and it was only a two point lead. But the reverberations are still reverberating – Scotland-based corporations suffering a slide in their share value, and the good old British pound down two cents against the dollar. The shock of seeing the yes campaign apparently edging ahead for the first time has injected a new sense of urgency into the referendum campaign in Scotland, and rattled the financial markets in London. Leader of the Better Together camp Alistair Darling has dismissed SNP claims of panic, but his successor as chancellor, George Osborne, is dangling a raft of goodies - including more tax and spending powers - to convince Scots to stay in the fold. Cathy Newman will be speaking to former prime minister Gordon Brown. Cometh the hour, cometh the need for him to surface as one of the key figures on the stump for the no campaign. Political Editor Gary Gibbon will be assessing the mood in Scotland and analysing the deals being thrashed out behind the scenes. |
Stig Östlund
tisdag, september 09, 2014
Campaigners bring out the big guns with 10 days to go (spännande)
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- Svenska valet
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- Campaigners bring out the big guns with 10 days to...
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- |
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- Good Night
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