Stig Östlund

fredag, juni 25, 2010

Lär känna Australiens första kvinnliga premiärminister

Julia Gillard once told her biographer that "anyone who thinks that my being [prime minister] is inevitable knows nothing whatever about politics." /Time

Gillard som är född i Wales är den första utlandsfödda premiärminstern i Australien sedan 1920-talet. Som barn led hon av lunginflammation och föräldrarna rekommenderades av läkare att flytta till ett ett gynnsammare klimat; föräldrarna bestämde sig då,när dottern var fyra år att flytta till   Australien.

Läs mer:,8599,1999619,00.html?xid=rss-topstories&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+time%2Ftopstories+%28TIME%3A+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Reader

Gillard takes Labor’s reins: but it’s the same horse, different jockey.
Rudd’s [Kevin Rudd, förre premiärminsitern, också som Gillard Labor Party] tears at his parting press conference will be the only tears shed for the end of his prime ministership. Arrogant to the end, still believing he was God’s gift to Australian politics, he continued to claim his right to the job due to his election by the Australian people, despite their abandonment of him.
We can’t let Gillard and Abbott Tampa with the election
Tony Abbott, who once plotted against Pauline Hanson, has turned the Liberals into the One Nation of Australian politics. Abbott says a Coalition government would re-introduce temporary protection visas, tow boats back to Indonesia and deny refugees travel rights or family reunions. They would re-open detention centres in countries like Nauru. They are already distributing an election leaflet in Brisbane warning of “illegals” and of secret detention centres “coming soon to a street near you.”
Don’t let the billionaire miners get their way
THE RICH are in revolt against Labor’s mining super profits tax. One of Julia Gillard’s first moves as new Prime Minister was to signal her desire to give ground to the mining companies. The mining bosses have amassed a $100 million war chest to fight the tax, declaring that they will bring down the government if they don’t get their way. There seem to be no limits to their self-serving excuses about why some of Australia’s richest companies shouldn’t pay any more tax.
The tangled roots of Labor
Looking at Labor’s history can help us understand the party’s inadequacies today, explains Erima Dall /

Informativ Wikipedia-site på svenska om Australien som dess historia, det politiska systemet mm. Allt i lagom dos. Rekommenderas:
