Stig Östlund

torsdag, februari 28, 2019

Heart disease is still the number one killer in the United States. In this Spotlight, we outline 16 foods that, when consumed as part of a well-rounded diet, might help to keep your heart healthy.

You can schedule an annual checkup, exercise daily, quit smoking, or take steps to reduce the level of stress in your life.

All of these things can have a positive effect on heart health. But, one of the simplest lifestyle changes that will benefit your heart is watching what you eat.

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is a natural source of folate, which helps to prevent an amino acid called homocysteine from building up in the body. High homocysteine levels have been linked with an increased risk of heart-related conditions, such as coronary artery disease and stroke.

2. Beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils

Beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils — otherwise known as pulses or legumes — can all significantlyreduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad cholesterol." They are also packed with fiber, protein, and antioxidant polyphenols, all of which have beneficial effects on the heart and general health.

3. Berries

Berries are also full of antioxidant polyphenols, which help to reduce heart disease risk. Berries are a great source of fiber, folate, iron, calciumvitamin A, and vitamin C, and they are low in fat.

4. Broccoli

Some studies suggest that regularly eating steamed broccoli can lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease.

5. Chia seeds and flaxseeds

These seeds are a rich plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid. Omega-3s have many beneficial effects, such as helping to lower levels of triglycerides, LDL, and total cholesterol. They also reduce blood pressure and minimize the buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries.
Omega-3s decrease the risk of disorders that can lead to heart attack, such as thrombosis and arrhythmias.

6. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a rare example of a food that tastes amazing and is good for you (in moderation).
Heart health dark chocolate

Dark chocolate: delicious and heart-healthy.
Scientists now believe that dark chocolate has protective benefits against atherosclerosis, which is when plaque builds up inside the arteries, increasing risk of heart attack and stroke.
Dark chocolate seems to prevent two of the mechanisms implicated in atherosclerosis: stiffness of the arteries and white blood cell adhesion, which is when white blood cells stick to the walls of blood vessels.
What is more, studies have found that increasing dark chocolate's flavanol content — which is the compound that makes it tasty and moreish — does not diminish these protective benefits.

7. Coffee

Also in the "almost too good to be true" camp is coffee. One recent study found that regularly drinking coffee was linked with a decreased risk of developing heart failure and stroke.
However, it is important to bear in mind that this study — which used machine learning to assess data from the Framingham Heart Study — can only observe an association between factors, and cannot conclusively identify cause and effect.

8. Fish high in omega-3s

Fish is a strong source of heart-helping omega-3 fatty acids and protein but it is low in saturated fat. People who have heart disease, or are at risk of developing it, are often recommended to increase their intake of omega-3s by eating fish; this is because they lower the risk of abnormal heartbeats and slow the growth of plaque in the arteries.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), we should eat a 3.5-ounce serving of fatty fish — such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, or albacore tuna — at least twice per week.

9. Green tea

A 2011 systematic review found that drinking green tea is associated with a small reduction in cholesterol, which, as we know, is a main contributor to heart disease and stroke. But the review could not pinpoint how much green tea someone would have to drink to receive any health benefits.
In 2014, another review studied the effects of drinking green tea on people with high blood pressure. The report concluded that green tea was associated with a reduction in blood pressure. But, the authors were unable to determine if this modest reduction could help to prevent heart disease.

10. Nuts

Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts are all heart-healthy nut options. These nuts are full of protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Like fish and flaxseeds, walnuts are also ripe with omega-3 fatty acids, making them a heart-healthy snack to have on the go.

11. Liver

Of all the organ meats, liver is the most nutrient-dense. In particular, liver is bulging with folic acid, iron, chromium, copper, and zinc, which increase the blood's hemoglobin level and help to keep our heart healthy.

12. Oatmeal

Because oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, it may help to reduce the risk of heart disease. A 2008 review of the evidence concluded that oat-based products significantly reduce LDL and total cholesterol without any adverse effects.

13. Red wine (sort of)

Many studies have noted the potential health benefits of the antioxidants in red wine. However, it is unlikely that the benefits of the antioxidants outweigh the dangers of alcohol.
Red wine and heart

Red wine contains beneficial antioxidants, but bear in mind that it should only be consumed in moderation.
Recently, however, a new study proposed that these same antioxidants could form the basis of a new stent for use during angioplasty — the process where narrow or obstructed veins are widened to treat atherosclerosis.
The researchers behind that study are currently developing a new kind of stent that releases red wine-like antioxidants into the blood to promote healing, prevent blood clotting, and reduce inflammation during angioplasty.
It is worth noting that drinking alcohol, in general, is not healthy for your heart. In fact, it is vitally important for cardiovascular health to drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.

14. Spinach

You can help to maintain a healthy heart rhythm by regularly consuming good sources of magnesium. Spinach is one of the best sources of dietary magnesium, and consumption of Popeye's favorite food is associated with a raft of health benefits.

15. Tomatoes

Tomatoes have lots of nutrients that might help keep our hearts healthy. The little red fruits are chock-full of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, folate, and choline, which are all good for the heart.
As well as helping to keep heart disease at bay, potassium benefits muscles and bones, and helps prevent kidney stones from forming.
Scientists have argued that increasing potassium intake while decreasing sodium intake is the most important dietary change when attempting to reduce the risk of heart disease.

16. Vegetables

The AHA advise that we eat eight or more servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Vegetables are low in fat and calories but rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. A healthful amount of veggies in the diet can help to moderate weight and blood pressure.

Blueberries may lower cardiovascular risk by up to 20 percent

The phytochemicals that give blueberries their blue color can significantly improve cardiovascular health, finds a new two-part study.
Dubbed "the silent killer" because it has no visible symptoms in its early stages, hypertension affects approximately 1 in 3 adultsin the United States.
The condition puts a strain on the cardiovascular system, which in the long run may contribute to heart failurestroke, and kidney failure.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend that people with high blood pressure stay in control of the condition by eating healthfully, exercising, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight

But should you eat anything in particular to keep your arteries healthy? In a previous Spotlight feature, we rounded up 16 foods that studies have suggested can improve cardiovascular health.
Along with broccoli, spinach, pulses, and fish, berries may also reduce heart disease, due to their antioxidant polyphenols.

New research zooms in on the cardiovascular effects of blueberries and finds that anthocyanins — the phytochemicals that give blueberries their color — mediate the beneficial effects that this fruit has on the cardiovascular system.
The lead author of the study is Ana Rodriguez-Mateos, Ph.D., from the Department of Nutritional Sciences at King's College London, in the United Kingdom. The researchers published their findings in The Journals of Gerontology: Series A.

Why Michael Cohen is a key witness

Om språk – vilka hotas och vilka växer?

2019 är det internationella året för hotade ursprungsspråk. Av världens 6-7000 språk riskerar nästan hälften att vara utdöda vid seklets slut. Men vad är det som gör att vissa språk hotas och att andra går framåt? Och vilka språk är på frammarsch i Sverige?

Niclas Burenhult är lingvist och har under 20 års tid arbetat med att kartlägga jahai, ett språk som bara talas av 1000 personer i de inre delarna av Malackahalvön. Han menar att språkets storlek kan ha betydelse för om ett språk är hotat eller inte, men det behöver inte vara avgörande. Graden av sårbarhet beror även på andra orsaker som exempelvis hur vana språkets talare är vid att utsättas för kontakter med andra språk. 

- Hos jahaitalarna och vissa andra grupper finns det sedan länge kulturella mekanismer för att bevara den språkliga identiteten, trots långvariga kontakter med omvärlden och en mångkulturell omgivning, säger Niclas Burenhult och tillägger att detta gäller långt ifrån överallt.
Beträffande jahai-språket som talas av ett jägar-/samlarfolk så har det inte varit hotat så länge talarna har levt sina traditionella liv. Men sedan några årtionden uppför myndigheterna permanenta bosättningar åt dessa traditionellt nomadiska samhällen. Och det är nu när de ändrar livsstil genom att bli bofasta och i allt större utsträckning gifter sig med talare av större språk som deras språk hotas. (I det här fallet är det ett annat minoritetsspråk som har börjat växa sig starkt på bekostnad av jahai och andra mindre språk.)
Många av de språk som idag håller på att försvinna talas i småskaliga samhällen som lever i nära samspel med sin omgivning, säger Niclas Burenhult. Om man exempelvis kraftigt avverkar regnskog så riskerar språksamhällena i området att förlora kontakten med hela den värld deras kultur och språk är sinnrikt utvecklade att hantera. Och vid sådana tillfällen, när bandet kapas mellan språkets talare och deras ekologi, kan ett språk braka ihop oerhört snabbt, enligt Niclas Burenhult.
Men egentligen är inte språkdöd ett nytt fenomen. Språk har alltid brett ut sig på bekostnad av andra, och språkbyte är en språkhistoriskt vanlig företeelse. Det nya är den takt och i den skala det sker. Det finns flera anledningar till detta, bl.a. framväxten av nationalstater och majoritetsspråk förknippade med dessa.
Vilka språk växer i Sverige?
I Sverige finns förutom svenskan fem nationella minoritetsspråk som sedan 2009 har en särskilt skyddad ställning. Dessa är finska, meänkieli, samiska, romani chib och jiddish och de har större rättigheter än andra minoritetsspråk och bland annat har lärosätena fått statliga uppdrag att undervisa i språken. Vid sidan av de skyddade minoritetsspråken växer det genom invandringen fram nya språk som breder ut sig och förändrar landets språkliga landskap.
Exempelvis har arabiskan på senare år gått om finskan som Sveriges nästa största modersmål.  Huruvida detta är en tillfällig förändring eller inte återstår att se. Jonas Granfeldt, professor i franska, som forskar om bland annat flerspråkighet, hävdar att modersmål som inte är majoritetsspråk har en kraftig tendens att suddas ut över tid. 

- En del forskning tyder på att tredje generationens invandrare generellt brukar ha annat modersmål än sina far och morföräldrar, även om det beror på vilka språk det handlar om. Att språket har talats i Sverige i mer än tre generationer var också ett av kriterierna som användes för att identifiera de nationella minoritetsspråken, säger Jonas Granfeldt.
Flerspråkighet i Sverige
Men även om tillförseln av nya språk genom invandring har varit betydande de senaste årtiondena så hamnar Sverige långt ner på listan när länder jämförs med avseende på språklig diversitet – svenskan är utan jämförelse det dominerande språket.
EU har som mål att medborgarna ska tala och göra sig förstådda på två språk utöver sitt modersmål. Enligt unionens egna undersökningar kan 47 procent av Sveriges medborgare detta vilket är en bra bit över EU-snittet på 25 procent. Och fler kan det bli. Andelen elever i Sverige som lär sig ett tredje språk tycks öka något - från 60 till 70 procent av niondeklassarna under de senaste 10-15 åren, enligt Jonas Granfeldt. Framför allt är det spanskan som på kort tid har blivit det dominerande tredjespråket i grundskolan; på 90-talet var tyskan störst. Idag är spanskan lika stor som tyskan och franskan tillsammans. 

Men utöver svenskan är det språk som flest svenskar talar givetvis engelska. Hela 97 procent av svenskarna behärskar enligt egen uppskattning ett andraspråk, och i de flesta fall rör sig detta om engelska. Idag är det inte ovanligt att vissa arbetsplatser har engelska som arbetsspråk, exempelvis inom internationella koncerner och inom universitetsvärlden.
Spelar det någon roll vilket språk vi talar? Är inte huvudsaken att vi förstår varandra?
- Det talas ibland om domänförluster, det vill säga att ett språk tappar vokabulär och blir mindre användbart inom ett specifikt sammanhang, säger Jonas Granfeldt. Om detta är bra eller dåligt råder det olika uppfattningar om. Vissa resonerar att det ju bara är rationellt och bra om alla talar samma språk.
Det pågår en stor diskussion bland språkvetare och antropologer om huruvida vi ser världen genom språket eller om språket inte alls har någon betydelse för vår världsbild.
Jag intar nog en mellanposition här, säger Jonas Granfeldt som tror att språket åtminstone har en viss betydelse för hur ”vi ser på världen” och gärna hade sett mer tvärvetenskaplig forskning med kognitionsforskare, beteendevetare och lingvister på det här området.
Även Niclas Burenhult, som forskar om hotade språk, menar att det finns intressanta kopplingar mellan språk, kognition, kunskap och kultur.
Huruvida språket styr tanken är en kontroversiell fråga, men vad som blir alltmer tydligt inom fler och fler områden är att språklig variation kan gå hand i hand med kognitiv variation.

Du arbetar med att kartlägga utdöende språk. Vad skulle du säga går förlorat när språk försvinner?
Det är en stor utarmning av mänskliga yttringar när språk dör ut, och det är därför viktigt att göra allt vi kan för att dokumentera dem. När ett språk dör odokumenterat försvinner en möjlighet att studera en del av den mänskliga berättelsen. Kunskap om den språkliga mångfalden i världen är central för vår förståelse av vad det innebär att vara människa.

Språkdöd kan ibland ges ett ansikte. Yontey Adik var den sista personen som mindes språket lanoh yir, som hon talade i sin barndom. Språket, som är så gott som odokumenterat, talades ursprungligen av en liten grupp människor i en avlägsen del av Malackahalvön och var i dagligt bruk fram till 1970-talet. Yontey gick bort 2017. 

Elijah Cummings' stunning closing remarks at Cohen hearing

Republicans Sink Further Into Trump’s Cesspool

We certainly know that Cohen is not … perfect. After all, he spent 12 years as Trump’s lawyer. Representative Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the committee, even brought up Women for Cohen, an account put up to promote his little-known role as a “sex symbol.” But Cohen made a pretty good witness, looking appropriately miserable and answering questions convincingly, with some balance. He told the lawmakers rumors about a mystery tape showing Trump hitting his wife in an elevator were untrue and “in my opinion that’s not something he would do.” On the other hand, he said Trump did make him call Melania and lie about the Stormy Daniels unpleasantness. While all this was going on, the president was in Asia, dining with Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Previous negotiations with Kim have produced monster publicity and very little in the way of nuclear disarmament.

Stormy Daniels 

Can a Horrible Boss Be a Great Leader?

‘Sometimes You Have to Walk,’ Trump Says as Talks Collapse President Trump and Kim Jong-un’s summit meeting on the denuclearization of North Korea ended abruptly. Mr. Trump said the U.S. was unwilling to lift all its sanctions without the promise of full denuclearization. 3m ago President Trump arriving for a

Could a porn star payment bring down Trump?

The president's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen says Mr Trump instructed him to make the payments.

Michael Cohen describes a culture of criminality around Trump

Michael Cohen, once among President Trump’s most ardent defenders, fiercely turned on him Wednesday, describing a culture of rampant criminality and nonstop lying around Trump involving payoffs to his alleged mistresses, inflated personal wealth and secret efforts to build Europe’s tallest skyscraper in Moscow./LA Times

Cohen drops ominous hint that Trump faces legal peril

Michael Cohen Accuses Trump of Expansive Pattern of Lies and Criminality

onsdag, februari 27, 2019

Michael Cohen’s Congressional Testimony: Live Updates -

Cohen calls Trump a ‘cheat,’ says his loyalty was misplaced


Chairman Cummings, Ranking Member Jordan, and Members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me here today. I have asked this Committee to ensure that my family be protected from Presidential threats, and that the Committee be sensitive to the questions pertaining to ongoing investigations. Thank you for your help and for your understanding. I am here under oath to correct the record, to answer the Committee’s questions truthfully, and to offer the American people what I know about President Trump. I recognize that some of you may doubt and attack me on my credibility. It is for this reason that I have incorporated into this opening statement documents that are irrefutable, and demonstrate that the information you will hear is accurate and truthful. Never in a million years did I imagine, when I accepted a job in 2007 to work for Donald Trump, that he would one day run for President, launch a 2 campaign on a platform of hate and intolerance, and actually win. 

I regret the day I said “yes” to Mr. Trump. I regret all the help and support I gave him along the way. I am ashamed of my own failings, and I publicly accepted responsibility for them by pleading guilty in the Southern District of New York. I am ashamed of my weakness and misplaced loyalty – of the things I did for Mr. Trump in an effort to protect and promote him. I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr. Trump’s illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat. He was a presidential candidate who knew that Roger Stone was talking with Julian Assange about a WikiLeaks drop of Democratic National Committee emails.

I will explain each in a few moments. I am providing the Committee today with several documents. These include: • A copy of a check Mr. Trump wrote from his personal bank account – after he became president - to reimburse me for the hush money payments I made to cover up his affair with an adult film star and prevent damage to his campaign; • Copies of financial statements for 2011 – 2013 that he gave to such institutions as Deutsche Bank; • 
A copy of an article with Mr. Trump’s handwriting on it that reported on the auction of a portrait of himself – he arranged for the bidder ahead of time and then reimbursed the bidder from the account of his non-profit charitable foundation, with the picture now hanging in one of his country clubs; and • Copies of letters I wrote at Mr. Trump’s direction that threatened his high school, colleges, and the College Board not to release his grades or SAT scores.
I hope my appearance here today, my guilty plea, and my work with law enforcement agencies are steps along a path of redemption that will restore faith in me and help this country understand our president better. *** Before going further, I want to apologize to each of you and to Congress as a whole. The last time I appeared before Congress, I came to protect Mr. Trump. Today, I’m here to tell the truth about Mr. Trump. I lied to Congress about when Mr. Trump stopped negotiating the Moscow Tower project in Russia. I stated that we stopped negotiating in January 2016. That was false – our negotiations continued for months later during the campaign. Mr. Trump did not directly tell me to lie to Congress. That’s not how he operates. In conversations we had during the campaign, at the same time I was actively negotiating in Russia for him, he would look me in the eye and tell
me there’s no business in Russia and then go out and lie to the American people by saying the same thing. In his way, he was telling me to lie. 
There were at least a half-dozen times between the Iowa Caucus in January 2016 and the end of June when he would ask me “How’s it going in Russia?” – referring to the Moscow Tower project. You need to know that Mr. Trump’s personal lawyers reviewed and edited my statement to Congress about the timing of the Moscow Tower negotiations before I gave it. To be clear: Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. 
He lied about it because he never expected to win the election. He also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the Moscow real estate project. And so I lied about it, too – because Mr. Trump had made clear to me, through his personal statements to me that we both knew were false and through his lies to the country, that he wanted me to lie. And he made it
clear to me because his personal attorneys reviewed my statement before I gave it to Congress. **** Over the past two years, I have been smeared as “a rat” by the President of the United States. The truth is much different, and let me take a brief moment to introduce myself. 
My name is Michael Dean Cohen. I am a blessed husband of 24 years and a father to an incredible daughter and son. When I married my wife, I promised her that I would love her, cherish her, and protect her. As my father said countless times throughout my childhood, “you my wife, and you my children, are the air that I breathe.” To my Laura, my Sami, and my Jake, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you. I have always tried to live a life of loyalty, friendship, generosity, and compassion – qualities my parents ingrained in my siblings and me since childhood. My father survived the Holocaust thanks to the compassion and selfless acts of others. He was helped by many who put themselves in harm’s way to do what they knew was right. 
That is why my first instinct has always been to help those in need. Mom and Dad…I am sorry that I let you down. As many people that know me best would say, I am the person they would call at 3AM if they needed help. I proudly remember being the emergency contact for many of my children’s friends when they were growing up because their parents knew that I would drop everything and care for them as if they were my own. 
Yet, last fall I pled guilty in federal court to felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with Individual #1. For the record: Individual #1 is President Donald J. Trump. It is painful to admit that I was motivated by ambition at times. It is even more painful to admit that many times I ignored my conscience and acted loyal to a man when I should not have. Sitting here today, it seems unbelievable that I was so mesmerized by Donald Trump that I was willing to do things for him that I knew were absolutely wrong. For that reason, I have come here to apologize to my family, to the government, and to the American people.

Accordingly, let me now tell you about Mr. Trump. I got to know him very well, working very closely with him for more than 10 years, as his Executive Vice President and Special Counsel and then personal attorney when he became President. 
When I first met Mr. Trump, he was a successful entrepreneur, a real estate giant, and an icon. Being around Mr. Trump was intoxicating. When you were in his presence, you felt like you were involved in something greater than yourself -- that you were somehow changing the world. I wound up touting the Trump narrative for over a decade. That was my job. Always stay on message. Always defend. It monopolized my life. At first, I worked mostly on real estate developments and other business transactions. 

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Trump brought me into his personal life and private dealings. Over time, I saw his true character revealed. Mr. Trump is an enigma. He is complicated, as am I. He has both good and bad, as do we all. But the bad far outweighs the good, and since taking office, he has become the worst version of himself. He is capable of behaving kindly, but he is not kind. He is capable of committing acts of generosity, but he is not generous. He is capable of being loyal, but he is fundamentally disloyal.

Donald Trump is a man who ran for office to make his brand great, not to make our country great. He had no desire or intention to lead this nation – only to market himself and to build his wealth and power. Mr. Trump would often say, this campaign was going to be the “greatest infomercial in political history.” 
He never expected to win the primary. He never expected to win the general election. The campaign – for him – was always a marketing opportunity. I knew early on in my work for Mr. Trump that he would direct me to lie to further his business interests. 

I am ashamed to say, that when it was for a real estate mogul in the private sector, I considered it trivial. As the President, I consider it significant and dangerous. But in the mix, lying for Mr. Trump was normalized, and no one around him questioned it. In fairness, no one around him today questions it, either. A lot of people have asked me about whether Mr. Trump knew about the release of the hacked Democratic National Committee emails ahead of time. The answer is yes.

As I earlier stated, Mr. Trump knew from Roger Stone in advance about the WikiLeaks drop of emails. In July 2016, days before the Democratic convention, I was in Mr. Trump’s office when his secretary announced that Roger Stone was on the phone. Mr. Trump put Mr. Stone on the speakerphone. Mr. Stone told Mr. Trump that he had just gotten off the phone with Julian Assange and that Mr. Assange told Mr. Stone that, within a couple of days, there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. 
Mr. Trump responded by stating to the effect of “wouldn’t that be great.” Mr. Trump is a racist. The country has seen Mr. Trump court white supremacists and bigots. You have heard him call poorer countries “shitholes.” In private, he is even worse.He once asked me if I could name a country run by a black person that wasn’t a “shithole.” This was when Barack Obama was President of the United States. 

While we were once driving through a struggling neighborhood in Chicago, he commented that only black people could live that way. And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid. And yet I continued to work for him. Mr. Trump is a cheat. As previously stated, 
I’m giving the Committee today three years of President Trump’s financial statements, from 2011-2013, which he gave to Deutsche Bank to inquire about a loan to buy the Buffalo Bills and to Forbes. These are Exhibits 1a, 1b, and 1c to my testimony.

It was my experience that Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes, such as trying to be listed among the wealthiest people in Forbes, and deflated his assets to reduce his real estate taxes. I am sharing with you two newspaper articles, side by side, that are examples of Mr. Trump inflating and deflating his assets, as I said, to suit his financial interests. These are Exhibit 2 to my testimony.

As I noted, I’m giving the Committee today an article he wrote on, and sent me, that reported on an auction of a portrait of Mr. Trump. This is Exhibit 3A to my testimony. Mr. Trump directed me to find a straw bidder to purchase a portrait of him that was being auctioned at an Art Hamptons Event. The objective was to ensure that his portrait, which was going to be auctioned last, would go for the highest price of any portrait that afternoon. The portrait was purchased by the fake bidder for $60,000.

Mr. Trump directed the Trump Foundation, which is supposed to be a charitable organization, to repay the fake bidder, despite keeping the art for himself. Please see Exhibit 3B to my testimony. And it should come as no surprise that one of my more common responsibilities was that Mr. Trump directed me to call business owners, many of whom were small businesses, that were owed money for their services and told them no payment or a reduced payment would be coming. When I advised Mr. Trump of my success, he actually reveled in it. And yet, I continued to work for him. 

Mr. Trump is a conman [bedragare]. He asked me to pay off an adult film star with whom he had an affair, and to lie to his wife about it, which I did. Lying to the First Lady is one of my biggest regrets. 
She is a kind, good person. I respect her greatly – and she did not deserve that. I am giving the Committee today a copy of the $130,000 wire transfer from me to Ms. Clifford’s attorney during the closing days of the presidential campaign that was demanded by Ms. Clifford to maintain her silence about her affair with Mr. Trump. This is Exhibit 4 to my testimony. Mr. Trump directed me to use my own personal funds from a Home Equity Line of Credit to avoid any money being traced back to him that could negatively impact his campaign. I did that, too – without bothering to consider whether that was improper, much less whether it was the right thing to do or how it would impact me, my family, or the public. 
I am going to jail in part because of my decision to help Mr. Trump hide that payment from the American people before they voted a few days later. As Exhibit 5 to my testimony shows, I am providing a copy of a $35,000 check that President Trump personally signed from his personal bank
 account on August 1, 2017 – when he was President of the United States – pursuant to the cover-up, which was the basis of my guilty plea, to reimburse me – the word used by Mr. Trump’s TV lawyer -- for the illegal hush money I paid on his behalf. This $35,000 check was one of 11 check installments that was paid throughout the year – while he was President. 
The President of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws. You can find the details of that scheme, directed by Mr. Trump, in the pleadings in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. So picture this scene – in February 2017, one month into his presidency, 
I’m visiting President Trump in the Oval Office for the first time. It’s truly awe-inspiring, he’s showing me around and pointing to different paintings, and he says to me something to the effect of…Don’t worry, Michael, your January and February reimbursement checks are coming. They were FedExed from New York and it takes a while for that to get through the White House system. As he promised, I received the first check for the reimbursement of $70,000 not long thereafter.

When I say conman, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges, and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores. As I mentioned, I’m giving the Committee today copies of a letter I sent at Mr. Trump’s direction threatening these schools with civil and criminal actions if Mr. Trump’s grades or SAT scores were ever disclosed without his permission. 
These are Exhibit 6. The irony wasn’t lost on me at the time that Mr. Trump in 2011 had strongly criticized President Obama for not releasing his grades. As you can see in Exhibit 7, Mr. Trump declared “Let him show his records” after calling President Obama “a terrible student.” The sad fact is that I never heard Mr. Trump say anything in private that led me to believe he loved our nation or wanted to make it better. In fact, he did the opposite. When telling me in 2008 that he was cutting employees’ salaries in half – including mine – he showed me what he claimed was a $10 million IRS tax refund, and he said that he could not believe how stupid the government was for giving “someone like him” that much money back. 
During the campaign, Mr. Trump said he did not consider Vietnam Veteran, and Prisoner of War, Senator John McCain to be “a hero” because he likes people who weren’t captured. At the same time, Mr. Trump tasked me to handle the negative press surrounding his medical deferment from the Vietnam draft. Mr. Trump claimed it was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery. He told me not to answer the specific questions by reporters but rather offer simply the fact that he received a medical deferment.He finished the conversation with the following comment. “You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.” I find it ironic, President Trump, that you are in Vietnam right now. And yet, I continued to work for him. *** 
Questions have been raised about whether I know of direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia. I do not. I want to be clear. But, I have my suspicions.
Sometime in the summer of 2017, I read all over the media that there had been a meeting in Trump Tower in June 2016 involving Don Jr. and others from the campaign with Russians, including a representative of the Russian government, and an email setting up the meeting with the subject line, “Dirt on Hillary Clinton.”
 Something clicked in my mind. I remember being in the room with Mr. Trump, probably in early June 2016, when something peculiar happened. Don Jr. came into the room and walked behind his father’s desk – which in itself was unusual. People didn’t just walk behind Mr. Trump’s desk to talk to him. I recalled Don Jr. leaning over to his father and speaking in a low voice, which I could clearly hear, and saying: “The meeting is all set.” I remember Mr. Trump saying, “Ok good…let me know.” 
What struck me as I looked back and thought about that exchange between Don Jr. and his father was, first, that Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world. And also, that Don Jr. would never set up any meeting of any significance alone – and certainly not without checking with his father. I also knew that nothing went on in Trump world, especially the campaign, without Mr. Trump’s knowledge and approval. So, I concluded that Don Jr. was referring to that June 2016 Trump Tower meeting about dirt on 18 Hillary with the Russian representative when he walked behind his dad’s desk that day -- and that Mr. Trump knew that was the meeting Don Jr. was talking about when he said, “That’s good…let me know.”
Over the past year or so, I have done some real soul searching. I see now that my ambition and the intoxication of Trump power had much to do with the bad decisions I made. To you, Chairman Cummings, Ranking Member Jordan, the other members of this Committee, and the other members of the House and Senate, I am sorry for my lies and for lying to Congress. 
To our nation, I am sorry for actively working to hide from you the truth about Mr. Trump when you needed it most. For those who question my motives for being here today, I understand. I have lied, but I am not a liar. I have done bad things, but I am not a bad man. I have fixed things, but I am no longer your “fixer,” Mr. Trump. I am going to prison and have shattered the safety and security that I tried so hard to provide for my family. My testimony certainly does not diminish 19 the pain I caused my family and friends – nothing can do that. And I have never asked for, nor would I accept, a pardon from President Trump. 
And, by coming today, I have caused my family to be the target of personal, scurrilous attacks by the President and his lawyer – trying to intimidate me from appearing before this panel. Mr. Trump called me a “rat” for choosing to tell the truth – much like a mobster would do when one of his men decides to cooperate with the government. As Exhibit 8 shows, I have provided the Committee with copies of Tweets that Mr. Trump posted, attacking me and my family – only someone burying his head in the sand would not recognize them for what they are: encouragement to someone to do harm to me and my family.
I never imagined that he would engage in vicious, false attacks on my family – and unleash his TV-lawyer to do the same. I hope this committee and all members of Congress on both sides of the aisle will make it clear: As a nation, we should not tolerate attempts to intimidate witnesses before congress and attacks on family are out of bounds and not acceptable. 
I wish to especially thank Speaker Pelosi for her statements in Exhibit 9 to protect this institution and me, and the Chairman of the House Permanent 20 Select Committee on Intelligence Adam Schiff and Chairman Cummings for likewise defending this institution and my family against the attacks by Mr. Trump, and also the many Republicans who have admonished the President as well. I am not a perfect man. 
I have done things I am not proud of, and I will live with the consequences of my actions for the rest of my life. But today, I get to decide the example I set for my children and how I attempt to change how history will remember me. I may not be able to change the past, but I can do right by the American people here today. Thank you for your attention. I am happy to answer the Committee’s questions. 

Bakgrund: Rysslandsutredningen
Robert Mueller, jurist, republikansk politisk tjänsteman och tidigare chef för FBI, har sedan i maj 2017 utrett misstänkt rysk inblandning i USA:s presidentval 2016 och huruvida Moskva agerade i samröre med Trumpkampanjen. Det hela har kommit att kallas Rysslandsutredningen.

Utredningen har kantats av kontroverser och Donald Trump själv har upprepade gånger kallat den för en häxjakt, medan vissa demokrater har anklagat Trump för att försöka motarbeta utredningen.

Utredningen har hittills resulterat i att en lång rad personer, flera av dem nära Trump, åtalats och dömts, bland annat hans tidigare kampanjchef Paul Manafort. Donald Trumps tidigare advokat Michael Cohen, som ska vittna inför kongressen, har åtalats och erkänt sig skyldig till flera brott, bland annat gällande finansieringen av Trumps presidentkampanj 2016, och ska avtjäna ett treårigt fängelsestraff.

Donald Trump har inte åtalats i samband med Rysslandsutredningen.

I slutet av förra året visade en opinionsundersökning beställd av den amerikanska motsvarigheten till public service, NPR, att över hälften av amerikanerna tycker att Mueller genomfört en rättvis utredning.

Amerikanska medier har rapporterat att Rysslandsutredningen i princip ligger klar. Utredaren Robert Mueller ska lämna över den till justitieminister William Barr – nominerad av Trump – som avgör hur mycket av den som ska offentliggöras.
