Stig Östlund

måndag, juni 21, 2010


Reporting from Grand Isle, La. — Ordinarily this time of year, Adam Trahan would be out on the Gulf of Mexico on a shrimp boat, trawling from South Pass to the Chandeleur Islands. Instead, last week he was trawling between the bar at Cisco's Hideaway on Oak Lane and Artie's out on the highway, fishing for Bud Light.

"I look out there and I see my life ruined," Trahan, 53, said in his long Cajun drawl from the ocean-side deck at Artie's. "There ain't no shrimpin', there ain't no crabbin', there ain't no oysterin'. Well, the only thing I know is shrimpin'. That's all I know. Now you tell me: Where do I go from here? It's heartbreakin', baby." / L A Times.

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