Stig Östlund

fredag, oktober 04, 2019

"The truth we must face is that we are now in a state of anarchy".

To the Editor (of New York Times):
Re “Democrats Warn Subpoena Is Near for White House” (front page, Oct. 3):
A subpoena once meant something. Now it is a useless protocol to be ignored by the Trump administration. Attorney General William Barr is an instrument of Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has essentially captured the Justice Department from the American people.
The truth we must face is that we are now in a state of anarchy.
The rule of law has been usurped by the Trump administration. This Republican-controlled Senate has allowed Mr. Trump to undermine our democracy.
They will have one last chance during the impeachment trial to stop the monster of their creation.
William Goldman
Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.
