Stig Östlund

söndag, oktober 20, 2019

New York Times:

How Low Will Trump Go?

The president is unabashed [Swedish: 'oblyg'], unapologetic  [Swedish: 'obotlig'] and out of control.
Opinion Columnist

" --- Trump’s presidency was scary from the very start, when he summoned “American carnage” and hallucinated inauguration throngs. But the past several days have been something else: a clarifying, terrifying descent.

How low will Trump go? Leagues lower than you ever imagined, and probably several hundred feet below your current nightmares. Officials with Trump’s re-election campaign apparently plan to use “get over it” as a slogan on merchandise, but I think that the White House’s real new motto comes from Tacitus, a celebrated historian in ancient Rome: “Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity.---” 
