Two other recommendations on the alphabet also were made: The v will now be known as the uve instead of ve, which was already the case in some regions, and the y may be known as the ye along with the traditional name of i griega.
Other changes involved the dropping of mandatory written accents in words such as guión (hyphen) and sólo when used as an adverb — although such accents will not be considered wrong and likely will be used in many publications. Also, under the new recommendations, plurals of abbreviations should not include an s at the end, so the plural of la ONG (for la organización no gubernamental) becomes las ONG (this usage has long been common). Also, ex may now be used as a prefix in words such as exsenador for "former senator"; previously, it would have been written as ex senador. /About
Spanska alfabetet
A a
B be
C ce
D de
E e
F efe
G ge
H hache
I i
J jota
K ka
L ele
M eme
N ene
Ñ eñe
O o
P pe
Q cu
R erre
S ese
T te
U u
V uve
W uve doble
X equis
Y i griega
Z zeta