Stig Östlund

lördag, augusti 16, 2014

R/V Melville at South Pacific Subtropical Gyre

R/V Melville 

The South Pacific Subtropical Gyre (26.25°S, 109.96°W) located approximately 500 kilometers east of Isla de Pascua, Chile. Onboard the research vessel (R/V) Melville, scientists from the lab of Sallie (Penny) Chisholm, a professor of environmental studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, examined the biogeography of photosynthetic bacteria and the viruses that infect them. The researchers discovered that certain photosynthetic ocean bacteria contract viruses carrying genetic material taken from their previous bacterial hosts. The virus tricks the new host into using its own machinery to activate the genes, a process never before documented in any virus-bacteria relationship.

De fem största havsströmsvirvelområdena

"Sånt här" intresserar iaf mig

Wikipedia: Havsströmsvirvelområden är stora system av roterande havsströmmar, i synnerhet de som påverkas av kraftiga vindrörelser. Havsströmmarna i Stilla havet domineras av de två stora oceanvirvlarr som ligger norr och söder om ekvatorn
