Stig Östlund

tisdag, april 26, 2022

 Russian rhetoric ramping up

Jenny Hill

Reporting from Moscow

We've heard overnight from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who has repeated what is actually a fairly consistent narrative here - that peace talks are failing or not doing well, and that this is the fault of the Ukrainian side.

But when you look at what is coming out of Moscow, and what Russian people are now being told, the narrative is really ramping up in terms of putting across that this isn't just about Ukraine - the West is wading in and turning this into a full-blown conflict.

Lavrov himself has said this could turn into World War Three.

None of this is shocking or surprising to Russians, who are being prepared for the long haul by Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin media machine.

The fact that Ukrainians will be blamed for any failure in peace talks is simply part and parcel of that narrative.
