Stig Östlund

tisdag, februari 18, 2020

From the history of U.S.

 An advertisement that appeared in The Charlottesville Central Gazette on Jan. 15, 1827, for the sale of Thomas Jefferson’s enslaved workers. One hundred people were sold that day.

A photograph, circa 1865, of the slave-trading firm Price, Birch & Company in Alexandria, Va. Franklin & Armfield, one of the largest slave trading firms in the country, was headquartered in the same building until it was sold to a partner of Price, Birch & Company.
An advertisement published in The Savannah Republican on Feb. 8, 1859, by the slave dealer Joseph Bryan for a two-day auction that became the largest in history. Four hundred thirty-six men, women and children were sold for $303,850, equivalent to about $9.4 million today.
