Stig Östlund

torsdag, december 29, 2011

This Week at
December 29, 2011

" --- Unlike conventional reconstruction, facial transplantation seeks to correct severe deformities in a single operation. We report on three patients who received full-face transplants at our institution in 2011 in operations that aimed for functional restoration by coaptation of all main available motor and sensory nerves. We enumerate the technical challenges and postoperative complications and their management, including single episodes of acute rejection in two patients. At 6 months of follow-up, all facial allografts were surviving, facial appearance and function were improved, and glucocorticoids were successfully withdrawn in all patient ---"

Photographs of the Three
Patients before Transplantation
 and Immediately and Several Months
 after Surgery

" --- Achieving Accountable Care — “It's Not About the Bike” Comments In his memoir It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life, seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong argues that winning the world's greatest bike race does not depend in the final analysis on sophisticated bicycles.1 Although advanced equipment is very important, winning depends more on athletes' riding skills, physical conditioning, and race-day effort... ---"

" --- A 50-year-old woman presented with fatigue and shortness of breath. One week before presentation, she experienced the gradual onset of dyspnea after moderate exertion, profound malaise, and a non-productive cough. In the 48 ... ---"

" --- Image of the Week --- 82 Years after a Shot to the Head --- CT imaging revealed a metal foreign body at the edge of the foramen magnum in this 85-year-old man. At the age of 3 he had been accidentally shot with a pistol.--- "

 Lichtenberg Figures
 " --- A 19-year-old woman was brought to the emergency department after a nearby lightning strike in which her Great Dane dog had been instantly killed. She briefly lost consciousness and found herself on the wet ground, calling for help. On arrival at the hospital, she was in sinus rhythm with ... ---"
