Stig Östlund

måndag, december 30, 2019

USA "--- Eliminate money from the campaign; each candidate gets a small amount of money from the government to dispose as they want.---"

giorgio sorani
San Francisco
I was born in Europe and grew up in a political environment where facts/policies ruled rather than money. I am now an American citizen, have voted in every election I was entitled to vote and offer a few comments: 1). Shorten the presidential campaign to a maximum of six months - three would be better. 2). Eliminate money from the campaign; each candidate gets a small amount of money from the government to dispose as they want. 3). Make Election Day a national holiday. That alone would increase voter participation. 4). Make the election truly national. Same voting rules in every state. 5). Eliminate the debates. They are nothing but a farce - driven by the press for ratings. These are all things that can be done without having to change the constitution - like eliminating the electoral college. But, they would be fought by both politicians and the corporations who buy them. Time to really have democracy in the country. /New York Times - Reader comments
