Rnk | Team | Pts | +/- Pos | |||
1 | Spain | 1611 | 0 | |||
2 | Germany | 1459 | 0 | |||
3 | Portugal | 1259 | 1 | |||
4 | Argentina | 1208 | 3 | |||
5 | England | 1196 | -2 | |||
6 | Netherlands | 1141 | 2 | |||
7 | Uruguay | 1140 | -2 | |||
8 | Italy | 1106 | -2 | |||
9 | Colombia | 1102 | 13 | |||
10 | Greece | 1029 | 1 | |||
11 | Croatia | 1023 | -2 | |||
12 | Russia | 1014 | 1 | |||
13 | France | 1011 | 2 | |||
14 | Brazil | 1001 | -2 | |||
15 | Switzerland | 983 | 5 | |||
16 | Côte d'Ivoire | 951 | 0 | |||
17 | Chile | 948 | -3 | |||
18 | Denmark | 944 | -8 | |||
19 | Mexico | 925 | 2 | |||
20 | Ecuador | 902 | -3 | |||
21 | Sweden | 859 | -3 | |||
22 | Czech Republic | 837 | -3 | |||
23 | Japan | 818 | 0 | |||
24 | Algeria | 802 | 4 | |||
25 | Korea Republic | 776 | 2 | |||
26 | Norway | 764 | 8 | |||
27 | Mali | 759 | 5 | |||
28 | Republic of Ireland | 757 | -2 | |||
29 | Bosnia-Herzegovina | 740 | 1 | |||
30 | Belgium | 723 | 10 |
Stig Östlund
torsdag, oktober 04, 2012
FIFA ranking October 2012 (Portugal go third as Colombia fly into top ten)
Oct 2012
- Good Night
- With City Struggling for Footing, Some Transit Is ...
- Dave Brubeck
- La Ligas vackraste mål 2012 (Maradonamål)
- Alltmer upptäcks även i Sverige cyklingens fördelar
- Wednesday, October 31, 2012 What you m...
- Screen News
- A Ghost in Cepheus
- Science360 Radio
- Claude Debussy: La Mer
- Full Movie: Charrol - Elvis Presley - 98 min
- Så gör du din egen nätradio
- Bör avlyssnas minst en gång om dagen (året om)
- President Obama
- Beijing Review Newsletter
- President Obama
- Here's What Happened To All The Subway Rats During...
- Eerie Photos Show Huge New York Transportation Hub...
- Sexy Halloween Costumes
- Celebrity Photos From The Frontlines Of Hurricane ...
- Watch Hurricane Sandy Live From Every Corner Of Ne...
- Get the latest hurricane news here >
- Walmart moms
- Hurricane Sandy May Whack Insurers With Twice the ...
- New 'Star Wars' film set for 2015
- Disney acquiring Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion
- New York Stock Exchange to reopen Wednesday after ...
- 26 confirmed dead, 7.5 million without power as Su...
- Gothenberg closes in style | Diary Blog | Screen
- Rosor som brinner i ett parkkvarter, er ska okto...
- Rik kung
- President Obama
- Maradonas debut i den högsta ligan
- FBI’s Top Ten News Stories for the Week Ending Oct...
- Five confirmed dead as Superstorm Sandy hits New Y...
- Sandy makes landfall along the coast of southern N...
- Sandy no longer a hurricane, now a post-tropical s...
- The latest on Hurricane Sandy
- Ingen rubrik
- Ingen rubrik
- Ingen rubrik
- WASHINGTON DC - Hurricane Sandy Storm Oct 29, 2012
- Hurricane Grows in Strength, Imperiling a Swath of...
- http://blog.fema.gov/2012/10/sandy-update-3-follow...
- Maradona fick ingen Ballon d'Or
- La Liga
- Sandy
- Millions brace for monster storm as Sandy comes to...
- England - Today's headlines
- Sverige Argentina den 6 februari 2013
- Sandy
- President Obama
- The New York Stock Exchange will be closed Monday ...
- 1975: Franco's 36-year reign ends
- Norrsken över Tromsö
- US braces for storm: Matthew Hall reports
- Nu satsar Försäkringskassan på att sätta åt de små...
- Good Night
- East Coast Prepares for Storm’s Arrival
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- Stars are born
- Onykter (El Salvador)
- Ruff Dog Day Official Video
- FULL-TIME- Chelsea 2-3 Manchester United
- Nine Eleven
- Nya tider
- Sarah Vaughan
- Wow
- Yuja Wang
- La Liga
- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has ordered New York Ci...
- La Liga - skytteligans övre del
- Kärlekssång
- A geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Cent...
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Center recommends coastal ...
- Havets hand
- The Statue of Liberty
- A tsunami warning is issued after a 7.7-magnitude ...
- Neymar
- Ode till Jean Sibelius
- Jimmie Åkesson på SD:s kommun- och landstingskonf...
- La Liga
- Högskoleprovet (testa själv)
- Weekly Address: Protecting the American People wit...
- Sandy
- Der Spiegel
- Fried Planets
- Yuja Wang
- Webtips
- Minnesrikt
- President Obama
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