Stig Östlund

måndag, april 26, 2010

Mest för radioamatörer

Kommunikation via radioamatörernas satellit VO-52. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAMSAT (VO-52) was launched on May 5, 2005, and is still going strong.
Several YouTube videos show how to operate through this popular Amateur Radio satellite.
Watch - How To Make A VO-52 SAT QSO by Simon 2E0HTS 13 December 2009
Using a home-made 10 element 435 & IO Loop for 145MHz, with a Yaesu FT-847. Simon - 2E0HTS, adjusts his (uplink) transmitted signal to correct the doppler of the Received (downlink) frequency whilst talking to fellow Ham Operators around Europe. Thanks to the Stations worked via the VO-52 Satellite which were SP9FPP, PD0HF & SP6DCO.
