Stig Östlund

måndag, oktober 04, 2010

Varför inte chatta med Milla Jovovich‏ ?

Los Angeles Times Oct. 4, 2010 1:08 p.m. PT
Join our live chat with 'Stone' star Milla Jovovich
In between her "Resident Evil" movies (the fourth, "Resident Evil: Afterlife," opened just last month) Milla Jovovich finds time to make films decidedly less zombified. Case in point: "Stone," a tense drama starring Robert De Niro, Edward Norton and Ms. Jovovich herself.
Jovovich will be joining us at 11 a.m. Tuesday (Oct. 5) (svensk tid: 20:00, tisdag) for a live chat to discuss her role in "Stone" and to answer all of your questions.

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