Stig Östlund

tisdag, augusti 03, 2010

U.S. Puts BP Spill Total at Nearly 5 Million Barrels

Nearly five million barrels of oil have gushed from the BP'swell since the Deepwater Horizon spill began on April 20, federal scientists said on Monday in announcing the most precise estimates yet of the well's flow rate. The estimates would make this spill far bigger than the Mexican rig Ixtoc I spill of 1979, previously believed to be the world's largest accidental release of oil.

Den amerikanska enheten 1 barrel = 159 liter används internationellt vid handel av crude oil ("råolja").
USA: Barrel = "fat". 1 barrel = 42 gallons = 159 kubik-dm.
Storbritannien: 1 barrel = 36 UK gallons =163,7 kubik-dm.

(A barrel of money = "en massa pengar".)

Ixtoc se:

Docendo discimus ("genom att undervisa lär vi oss själva").
