Stig Östlund
fredag, mars 31, 2017
Ishockey våld
En Linköpingspelare döms för misshandel för en crosschecking i nacken mot Jens Olsson i Skånederbyt mellan Rögle och Malmö 2015. Nu står det klart att Lilja döms för misshandel och får villkorlig dom och dagsböter för tilltaget i matchen.
Att en idrottsperson hänger sig åt
våld även på idrottsarenan skall
naturligtvis straffas.
Våld och idrott hör
inte ihop.
Kulturen på La Gomera: el Silbo
La Gomera är en av de sju huvudöarna i ögruppen Kanarieöarna (Spanien) och den näst minsta av dem. Dess huvudstad heter San Sebastián de La Gomera. Ön besitter ett framstående och oöverträffat arv som ger området dess unika skönhet. År 1986 upptog Unesco nationalparken Garajonay på sin världsarvslista och år 2009 förklarades visselspråket el silbo vara ett immateriellt kulturarv. Språket har ärvts från öns ursprungsbefolkning och används för att kommunicera över öns raviner.
Instituto Cervantes och Turistrådet på La Gomera anordnar en kväll ägnad åt öns kultur med fokus på visselspråket el silbo gomero. Ett folkligt kulturuttryck på La Gomera, väl etablerat hos öns befolkning och som har fungerat som en enande faktor i samhället under många år.
I slutet av evenemanget bjuds det på en aperitif.
Anmälan till
Begränsat antal platser: 90
Språk.: Svenska
04/04/2017 (18:30 h)
Instituto Cervantes - Auditorio
Bryggargatan 12a
111 21 Estocolmo
The New Sweden
Ny dödsskjutning i Malmö. Majoriteten av riksdagspersonerna alltså de unga, oerfarna reagerar - om alls - varvid den bekanta vältaligheten hackar: "Aja Baja!"
torsdag, mars 30, 2017
Scientific Drought, Golden Eggs, and Global Leadership — Why Trump’s NIH Funding Cuts Would Be a Disaster — NEJM

Perspective from The New England Journal of Medicine — Scientific Drought, Golden Eggs, and Global Leadership — Why Trump’s NIH Funding Cuts Would Be a Disaster
Fotboll är stort
The airport in Madeira has been renamed Aeroporto Cristiano Ronaldo after the Portuguese soccer player.
onsdag, mars 29, 2017
Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht,
Fröhliche Hochzeit macht,
Hab' ich meinen traurigen Tag!
Geh' ich in mein Kämmerlein,
Dunkles Kämmerlein,
Weine, wein' um meinen Schatz,
Um meinen lieben Schatz!
Blümlein blau! Verdorre nicht!
Vöglein süß!
Du singst auf grüner Heide.
Ach, wie ist die Welt so schön!
Ziküth! Ziküth!
Singet nicht! Blühet nicht!
Lenz ist ja vorbei!
Alles Singen ist nun aus!
Des Abends, wenn ich schlafen geh',
Denk'ich an mein Leide!
An mein Leide!
English TranslationEdit
When my darling has her wedding-day,
her joyous wedding-day,
I will have my day of mourning!
I will go to my little room,
my dark little room,
and weep, weep for my darling,
for my dear darling!
Blue flower! Do not wither!
Sweet little bird
you sing on the green heath!
Alas, how can the world be so fair?
Chirp! Chirp!
Do not sing; do not bloom!
Spring is over.
All singing must now be done.
At night when I go to sleep,
I think of my sorrow,
of my sorrow!
Nu stundar bråda tider för alla tanter och farbröder att med varmt hjärta
först av alla rapportera första tussilagon och olika flyttfåglars ankomst.
Så varmt välkommen var inte vårfågeln på 1800-talet. Då var det brukligt att hovet betalade en dukat för den första skjutna lärkan. Härnösandssonen Elias Sehlstedt han som såg såg överallt såg också mycket av detta under sin Stockholmstid, och kände sig föranlåten att skriva en dikt tillägnad huvudstans alla vårfåglar.
Sjung ej, lärka! Det är ej av nöden,
döden lurar på din första drill.
Du ej känner dina mörka öden;
skytten siktar - och du hör i döden
underdånigst någon hovkatt till.
Vänligt kommer du oss att gästa,
vårens fröjd du bjuder mänskan på.
Ack! Låt bli att vid vår jord dig fästa.
Människan är van att klå sin nästa,
håll dig utom skotthåll i det blå.
Vet, din undergång är bland de största
prisbelöningar i sångens kall.
Sök ej här att vara få den första,
blod är det, varefter mänskor törsta;
fly! Att sjunga här är knall och fall!
tisdag, mars 28, 2017
"Each day is valentines day"
My funny valentine
Sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart
Your looks are laughable
Yet you're my favorite work of art
Is your Figure less than Greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak
Are you smart?
But don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay little valentine stay
Each day is Valentines day
Is your figure less than Greek
Is your mouth a little weak
When you open it to Speak
Are you smart?
But don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay little valentine stay
Each day is valentines day.
Den 4 april kommer världsledande astronomiforskare till Lunds universitet för att diskutera de stora frågorna inom astrofysiken.
Symposiet i Lund är inte öppet för allmänheten utan riktar sig till astronomiforskare på högsta vetenskapliga nivå. Ett antal skånska gymnasielärare är dock inbjudna för att ta del av programmet.
Symposiet i Lund är inte öppet för allmänheten utan riktar sig till astronomiforskare på högsta vetenskapliga nivå. Ett antal skånska gymnasielärare är dock inbjudna för att ta del av programmet.
Chefen för George Washingtonuniversitetets program för extremstudier Lorenzo Vidino (bilden) har skrivit standardverket "The New Muslim Brotherhood in the West" (Columbia University Press, 2010) om Muslimska Brödraskapet. Han varnar för att rörelsen inte tas på tillräckligt allvar. Boken är tyvärr relativt dyr och finns inte på många bibliotek i landet vad jag förstår.
Lorenzo G. Vidino, född i Milano, italiensk expert inom underrättelse- och säkerhetsfrågor. I sin forskning har han specialiserat sig på islamism och politiskt våld i Europa och Nordamerika
Chefen för George Washingtonuniversitetets program för extremstudier Lorenzo Vidino (bilden) har skrivit standardverket "The New Muslim Brotherhood in the West" (Columbia University Press, 2010) om Muslimska Brödraskapet. Han varnar för att rörelsen inte tas på tillräckligt allvar. Boken är tyvärr relativt dyr och finns inte på många bibliotek i landet vad jag förstår.
Lorenzo G. Vidino, född i Milano, italiensk expert inom underrättelse- och säkerhetsfrågor. I sin forskning har han specialiserat sig på islamism och politiskt våld i Europa och Nordamerika
Vårt grannland i väster. En av världens vackraste länder
Den vackra musiken gör att det nästan trillar fram tårar i ens ögon; liksom det kan göra under en vistelse i det nordiska naturlandskapet. Och inte bara i det norska.
Oljebolag som hotar
Amazonfloden flyter fram genom världens största regnskog. Kring flodmynningen där floden förenar sig med Atlanten breder väldiga mangroveskogar ut sig. Området har ett unikt djurliv och här lever hotade arter som sjökor och jätteuttrar.
Under flodmynningens grumliga vatten döljer sig en riktig överraskning: ett nästan tusen kilometer långt rev som sjuder av alger, svampdjur, koraller och färggranna fiskar. Att ett sådant rev kan existera här, trots starka strömmar och dålig sikt, är ett av naturens stora underverk.
Revets hemligheter har ännu inte utforskats ordentligt, men oljejättar som BP och Total planerar redan att borra efter olja i området. Ett oljeutsläpp skulle innebära en katastrof för området och de djur som lever här. Läckande olja skulle förvandla färggranna havsbottnar till ett mörkt och öde landskap och hota livet i mangroveskogarna.
Oljebolagen väntar just nu på tillstånd från den brasilianska regeringen, men vi kommer göra allt vi kan för att se till att de destruktiva borrplanerna stoppas.
Greenpeace fartyg Esperanza har med hjälp av en liten ubåt lyckats ta de första bilderna någonsin av revet.
Under flodmynningens grumliga vatten döljer sig en riktig överraskning: ett nästan tusen kilometer långt rev som sjuder av alger, svampdjur, koraller och färggranna fiskar. Att ett sådant rev kan existera här, trots starka strömmar och dålig sikt, är ett av naturens stora underverk.
Revets hemligheter har ännu inte utforskats ordentligt, men oljejättar som BP och Total planerar redan att borra efter olja i området. Ett oljeutsläpp skulle innebära en katastrof för området och de djur som lever här. Läckande olja skulle förvandla färggranna havsbottnar till ett mörkt och öde landskap och hota livet i mangroveskogarna.
Oljebolagen väntar just nu på tillstånd från den brasilianska regeringen, men vi kommer göra allt vi kan för att se till att de destruktiva borrplanerna stoppas.
Greenpeace fartyg Esperanza har med hjälp av en liten ubåt lyckats ta de första bilderna någonsin av revet.
måndag, mars 27, 2017
Believe it or not, running is actually a great way to increase your overall level of health. Research shows that running can raise your levels of good cholesterol while also helping you increase lung function and use. In addition, running can also boost your immune system and lower your risk of developing blood clots.
Or why not GOOGLE "Instead of running what can i do"?
Prevent Disease
For women, running can actually help to lower your risk of breast cancer. It can also help reduce the risk of having a stroke. Many doctors today recommend running for people who are in the early stages of diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis, and it is proven to help reduce the risk of having a heart attack. By helping the arteries retain their elasticity and strengthening the heart, your chances of suffering a heart attack can be significantly reduced.
Lose Weight
Running is one of the best forms of exercise for losing or maintaining a consistent weight. You will find that it is a leading way to burn off extra calories and that it is the second most effective exercise in terms of calories burned per minute, following only after cross country skiing.
Boost Your Confidence
Not all of the benefits of running are physical. Running can provide an noticeable boost to your confidence and self-esteem. By setting and achieving goals, you can help give yourself a greater sense of empowerment that will leave you feeling much happier.
Relieve Stress
Stress can actually cause a number of health and mood problems. It can also diminish appetite and sleep quality. When you run, you force your body to exert excess energy and hormones. Running also helps to reduce your chances of developing tension headaches.
Eliminate Depression
When you are depressed, the last thing you likely want to do is to get up and go for a run. Yet you will find that after only a few minutes of running, your brain will start to secrete hormones that naturally improve your mood. In fact, there are few things in the world that can better or more rapidly treat depression than exercise such as running.
It may seem surprising to learn all of the different ways that running can improve your health, but the truth of the matter is that these are only a few of the many benefits that it can offer to your body. Running really is incredibly beneficial to the body, mind, and spirit, and you will find that even short runs can leave you feeling more energized, more focused, and better able to enjoy all that life has to offer.
Or why not GOOGLE "Instead of running what can i do"?
lördag, mars 25, 2017
What Are the Health Benefits of Red Cabbage Vs. Green Cabbage?
No matter what color cabbage you choose, you can't go wrong. They’re both very low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients. Eating just 1 cup of either one provides 4 percent of the recommended daily intake of eight vitamins and minerals. But there are some differences between the two, especially when it comes to vitamin A.
Vitamin A
Red cabbage has 10 times more vitamin A than green cabbage. Both types of cabbage contain vitamin A in the form of the carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that can also be converted into the vitamin A you need for vision and to keep your skin and immune system healthy. Lutein and zeaxanthin function only as antioxidants in the eyes. They may help prevent early stage age-related macular degeneration from progressing into the late stage, according to research published in the February 2012 issue of the "British Journal of Nutrition." One cup of chopped red cabbage has 33 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. The same portion of green cabbage only has 3 percent.
Vitamin K
Green cabbage has the upper hand when it comes to vitamin K, but they’re both good sources. One cup of chopped green cabbage has 57 percent of the daily intake, compared to 28 percent in red cabbage. Vitamin K is named after the German word “koagulation” because it must be available for blood to coagulate, or clot. Vitamin K also regulates bone mineralization, which impacts bone density. Women with low dietary intake of vitamin K have lower bone density and an increased risk of hip fracture, according to research published in the February 2003 issue of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."
Vitamin C
Vitamin C’s value as an antioxidant comes from its strong ability to neutralize a variety of free radicals, but if you want the maximum benefit, you need to consume the recommended daily amount. Adult men need 90 milligrams daily and women need 75 milligrams. Smokers should add another 35 milligrams and pregnant women need 85 milligrams daily. Vitamin C is also needed for the production of collagen, which strengthens skin and helps heal wounds. One cup of chopped red cabbage has 51 milligrams and the same amount of green cabbage has 37 milligrams.
In addition to delivering oxygen to cells throughout your body, iron is part of a protein -- myoglobin -- that stores oxygen in your heart and skeletal muscles. Myoglobin ensures you have enough oxygen to meet your muscle’s needs during exercise. Other proteins and enzymes depend on the presence of iron to produce energy and synthesize DNA. Your immune system needs iron for the development of cells that fight viruses. Red cabbage has double the iron than green cabbage, providing 0.7 milligrams in 1 cup, compared to 0.4 milligrams in green cabbage. Women should get 18 milligrams, but men only need 8 milligrams of iron daily.
Extra vitamindos kan inte förhindra alzheimer
Tillskott av vitamin E eller selen kan inte förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom, enligt en av de första långtidsstudierna på området som publicerats i tidskriften Jama Neurology.
Inga säkra resultat av virusbehandling mot alzheimer
Företaget Apodemus hoppades tillsammans med forskare på Karolinska institutet att antiviral behandling skulle ge effekt på Alzheimers sjukdom. Men studien gav inga säkra resultat.
Tillskott av vitamin E eller selen kan inte förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom, enligt en av de första långtidsstudierna på området som publicerats i tidskriften Jama Neurology.
Inga säkra resultat av virusbehandling mot alzheimer
Företaget Apodemus hoppades tillsammans med forskare på Karolinska institutet att antiviral behandling skulle ge effekt på Alzheimers sjukdom. Men studien gav inga säkra resultat.
VM kval
fredag, mars 24, 2017
"Mobbning och kränkning inom kyrkan" /SVT
Min erfarenhet av kyrkan är från konfirmationstiden på 50-talet då en kompis som också deltog i konfirmations-undervisningen för att få en gabardinkostym (i hans fall eg. "chans att få" då hans fabriksarbetande pappa hade hustru och även andra barn att försörja). Tala om kränkning. Gissa om kompisen kom fler gånger för att delta i undervisningen! Jag då? Jag slap(p) då jag fick en gabardinkostym efter en tid av en annan sorts helvetets kval på kyrkbänken. Kostymen användes f.ö. bara en gång, men inte bara för att den påminde alltför mycket om en örfil. Den slängdes så småningom då den inte ens dugde till mattrasor.
Min erfarenhet av kyrkan är från konfirmationstiden på 50-talet då en kompis som också deltog i konfirmations-undervisningen för att få en gabardinkostym (i hans fall eg. "chans att få" då hans fabriksarbetande pappa hade hustru och även andra barn att försörja). Tala om kränkning. Gissa om kompisen kom fler gånger för att delta i undervisningen! Jag då? Jag slap(p) då jag fick en gabardinkostym efter en tid av en annan sorts helvetets kval på kyrkbänken. Kostymen användes f.ö. bara en gång, men inte bara för att den påminde alltför mycket om en örfil. Den slängdes så småningom då den inte ens dugde till mattrasor.
torsdag, mars 23, 2017
Opinionen enligt SVT/Novus
Siffrorna visar väljarstöd i procent
med förändringen i procentenheter:
Moderaterna 18,0 (-1,1)
Liberalerna 5,9 (+0,6)
Centerpartiet 12,2 (+0,7)
Kristdemokraterna 3,2 (+0,1)
Socialdemokraterna 26,7 (-0,4)
Vänsterpartiet 7,1 (-0,7)
Miljöpartiet 4,6 (+0,1)
Sverigedemokraterna 19,2 (+0,7)
Fi 2,0 (-0,3)
Annat 1,1 (+0,3)
M+L+C+KD 39,3 (+0,3)
S+V+MP 38,4 (-1,0)
SD nu Sveriges näst största parti. Jag (f.ö. blankröstare) förvånas inte. Fortsätter det så här - med så många oerfarna riksdagspolitiker - blir SD Sveriges största parti efter nästa val. Tror jag.
Glänta (Sweden) 3-4/2016
Glänta focuses on what the editors call the ‘tensions between city and countryside, centre and periphery’. Suddenly, they argue, rural life has taken centre stage; that is where things are happening now, things that ‘are deciding the future of the world’.
In an article originally published in Sociology of Development and amended for Glänta, Saskia Sassen claims that today’s migration differs from that of the past. ‘These … are not the migrants in search of a better life who hope to send money and perhaps return to the family left behind. These are people in search of bare life, with no home to return to.’ People leave rural areas land-grabbed by countries or international companies and move to big cities, where they are confronted with gated communities and violence – only to have to leave again. ‘These trends are enormous challenges to the international system, with Europe the destination of most of these flows.’
The Riace model: ‘Welcoming refugees is a way forwards for a European countryside caught up in the crisis of rural depopulation,’ writes Olav Fumarola Unsgaard in a reportage connecting the small city of Riace in southern Italy with the Swedish municipality of Lessebo.
In 1998, a ship carrying 218 Kurdish refugees landed close to Riace. Domenico Lucano, the mayor, has since become something of a legend (even making it onto Fortune’s list of the world’s 50 most important politicians). Ever since he and the inhabitants of Riace decided to take the newcomers, their community has been different. ‘Riace is poor and down at heel,’ writes Unsgaard. ‘But as far as the economy is concerned, the arrival of the refugees saved this city.’
Lessebo, one of the cities in Sweden – and in Europe – to have received most refugees per capita, is the northern equivalent of Riace. Two years ago, people started to talk about schools having to close down. ‘Today’, says the ‘refugee strategist’ of the municipality, ‘we have had to build additional pavilions to be able to accommodate all the students.’
Is there a Riace model? Is there a Lessebo model? Yes, argues Unsgaard. ‘These cities certainly need investments coming from afar. But they also need people who move into the empty villas, the apartments and hotels that just stand there without any guests. Only then can wealth be sustained and schools be kept open.’
More articles from Glänta on Eurozine; Glänta’s website
The Trump Administration and the Environment — Heed the Science — NEJM
--> The Trump Administration and the Environment — Heed the Science — NEJM: Medicine and Society from The New England Journal of Medicine — The Trump Administration and the Environment — Heed the Science
måndag, mars 20, 2017
Ny typ av dator
On March 25th, Venus will pass almost directly between Earth and the sun--an event astronomers call "inferior solar conjunction."
Blåögda svenska politiker
Sveriges arbete mot terrorism och radikalisering har varit ett ”svart hål” säger Magnus Ranstorp, terrorforskare vid Försvarshögskolan. I två program i SVT:s Agenda har ansvariga ministrar fått svara på hur IS-återvändare ska hanteras. Svaren är otillräckliga, menar experten.
– Efter intervjun med Alice Bah Kuhnke kände jag att nu räcker det. Vi har inte råd med detta när det gäller säkerheten i samhället, säger han.
söndag, mars 19, 2017
Written in September 1828 -- about three months before his death. It is one of three that he wrote after the death of Beethoven (March 19, 1827), whose funeral he attended with Hummel. The passing of this great master was an important event in the life of Schubert, for though mourned the loss of the musician he greatly admired, he also perhaps felt somewhat liberated from the older composer's dominance. Appropriately, each of these last three piano sonatas contain stylistic nods to Beethoven; in the case of this A major sonata, the Rondo is based on the finale (also a Rondo) of Beethoven's Sonata No. 16 in G major.
The work opens with dramatic, stately chords which yield to gentler music, using the same material. The second subject is particularly lovely in its lyrical warmth and passion. The development offers both playfulness and tension, and the coda is grand and complex.
Many take the view that the ensuing Andantino, though it is not the longest or grandest of the four panels here, is the most profound. Its mesmerizing main theme is dreamy and mysterious, but often seeming on the verge of erupting into a storm. The second subject introduces a great deal of tension, eventually leading to a dramatic climax. This movement seems to pit serenity and violence, or even reason and madness, against one another.
The Scherzo is delightful in its lightness and good spirits. Yet for all the effervescence here, there is considerable craftsmanship: the arpeggiated chords appearing at the outset are a variant of the somewhat sinister ones at the end of the Andantino. The finale, as mentioned above, pays tribute to Beethoven; yet, the only truly imitative element is Schubert's borrowing of a theme from the slow movement of his own A minor Piano Sonata, D. 537.
This is one of Schubert's most popular piano sonatas, enjoying currency on both the recital stage and in the recording studio. Ironically, the composer could not get this masterpiece published in the remaining months of his life. It would be published in 1839, though his reputation would not begin to grow appreciably until after 1856, when he was discovered and championed by English musicologist, George Grove.
lördag, mars 18, 2017
Fakta: Sifo mars 2017
S: 28,7 (+1,2)
V: 7,1 (+0,2)
MP: 4,5 (–0,4)
M: 18,4 (–2,0)
C: 14,2 (+2,4)
L: 5,7 (+0,1)
KD: 2,8 (–0,8)
SD: 16,7 (–0,1)
Övr: 1,9 (–0,8)
1 944 intervjuer genomfördes den 6–16 mars 2017. Frågan som ställdes var "Vilket parti skulle du rösta på i riksdagsvalet om det vore val i dag?"
Best and Worst Foods for Sleep
Cherries are one of the few natural foods to contain melatonin, the chemical that helps control our body’s internal clock, says Keri Gans, a registered dietician in New York City and author of The Small Change Diet.
One study—albeit a small one—found that drinking tart cherry juice resulted in small improvements in sleep duration and quality in adults who suffered from chronic insomnia. (And travelers often take melatonin capsules to combat jet lag).
Why not a few cherries, tart or otherwise, to promote sleep?
Bacon cheeseburger
The stratospheric fat content of this particular fast food is guaranteed to be a sleep killer.
Fat stimulates the production of acid in the stomach, which can spill up into your esophagus, causing heartburn. Fatty foods can also loosen the lower esophageal sphincter, the barrier between the stomach and the esophagus, making it even easier for acid to get in all the wrong places.
In fact, there’s almost nothing to recommend this kind of high-fat, salt-laden indulgence if you want to preserve your health, including the quality of your sleep.
You may have fond memories of your mother or grandmother making you a glass of warm milk to help you fall asleep.
This may not be just an old wives’ tale. Milk contains the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor to the brain chemical serotonin.
Although the topic is a controversial one, some people believe that tryptophan and serotonin might make it easier to sleep. Or maybe a simple glass of milk brings back soothing childhood memories, which help you drift off.
Alcohol of any kind is “terrible” for sleep, says Rosenberg. Why? It metabolizes quickly in your system and causes you to wake up multiple times during the night.
One study found that a glass of bourbon or vodka mixed with caffeine-free soda at bedtime increased the amount of time women spent awake during the night by 15 minutes. It also reduced nightly sleep time by 19 minutes and diminished quality of sleep.
If you don’t refrain from alcohol for our own benefit, do it for your mate. “Alcohol makes snoring worse so it will impact you and your potential bed partner,” said Rosenberg.
Coffee contains caffeine, which is a central nervous stimulant. Translation: Drinking Java too close to bedtime will keep you up at night.
Of course, people differ in their sensitivity to caffeine and that’s usually based on how much caffeine you’re accustomed to consuming, says Timothy Roehrs, Ph.D., a senior scientist with Henry Ford Sleep Disorder and Research Center in Detroit.
If you don’t know your tolerance, skip the java, especially late in the day.
Fortified cereal
Carbs in general are good for sleep but it’s not a great idea to binge on a box of cookies before bedtime (or anytime).
Instead, try a bowl of Kashi or shredded wheat which contain “good” or complex carbs. Even better, cereal goes well with milk which has its own sleep-promoting qualities. “That’s two for the price of one,” Rosenberg says.
Other complex carbs are quinoa, barley, and buckwheat.
Dark chocolate
Chocolate contains not only calories, but caffeine, especially dark chocolate.
A 1.55-ounce Hershey’s milk chocolate bar, for instance, contains about 12 milligrams of caffeine, or the same amount as three cups of decaffeinated coffee.
A Hershey’s special-dark bar has 20 milligrams of caffeine, about the same as half an ounce of espresso. Chocolate also contains theobromine, another stimulant that can increase heart rate and sleeplessness.
Bananas help promote sleep because they contain the natural muscle-relaxants magnesium and potassium, says Gans. They’re also carbs which will help make you sleepy as well.
In fact, bananas are a win-win situation in general. “They’re overall health promoters,” says Rosenberg. “We need potassium for cardiovascular health and cognitive functioning.”
Red Bull
Yup, the culprit here again is caffeine, and it’s present in spades. An eight-ounce Red Bull energy drink contains about 80 milligrams of caffeine or equivalent to a one-ounce Starbucks espresso.
Five-Hour Energy packs 200 milligrams of caffeine into just two ounces, which means you might as well be imbibing 16 ounces of regular coffee.
With this much caffeine, you might do well to avoid energy drinks even earlier in the day. “In some people caffeine can take up to eight hours to wear off,” says Gans.
Like milk, turkey contains tryptophan, a chemical that can make people doze off in front of the TV after Thanksgiving dinner. But if you’re a die-hard insomniac, a meal’s worth of turkey (or a glass of milk) isn’t likely to help you.
“You’d have to drink a lot of milk or turkey to have a major effect,” says Rosenberg. “[But] if you need a little bit of a push in the right direction [it might help].”
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew MDX along with jolt Cola and Vault contain 71 milligrams of caffeine per 12-ounce serving. That’s the upper limit of what the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows.
Other sodas aren’t much better. Also, typical soda drinks like Pepsi and Coke contain citrus as well as sodium benzoate and other chemicals which can aggravate the gastrointestinal tract and promote acid reflux, not a recipe for a good night’s sleep.
Sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are a sleeper’s dream. Not only do they provide sleep-promoting complex carbohydrates, they also contain that muscle-relaxant potassium.
Other good sources of potassium include regular potatoes (baked and keep the skin on), lima beans, and papaya.
Indian curry
It’s not Indian food per se but the heavy spices which can keep you awake at night.
One study conducted in Australia found that young men who poured Tabasco sauce and mustard on their dinner had more trouble falling asleep and experienced less deep sleep than men who ate blander suppers. Spices can also cause heartburn.
So definitely don’t do spicy and high-fat in the same late-day meal. It’s a potential sleep-wrecking recipe.
Valerian tea
The root of the valerian plant has been shown in some studies to speed the onset of sleep and improve sleep quality.
Some people hold that valerian tea along with motherwort, chamomile, and catnip brews, none of which contain caffeine, will help make you drowsy.
It may not be any property of the actual tea however, but the power of the relaxing ritual as you get ready for bed, says Roehrs.
Chicken or any type of protein is going to be counterproductive if consumed at night. “Digestion is supposed to slow by about 50% while you’re sleeping but if you eat a lot of protein, you digest [even] more slowly,” explains Rosenberg.
Instead of focusing on sleeping, your body is focusing on digesting. Adding a carbohydrate to the protein can tip the balance back towards sleep.
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