Den utmärkta musikkanalen på teve. alltså Mezzo kommer ut med nyhetsbrev. Kan inte länka men ger här nedan utdrag ur det senaste, gällande 1-15 decemer. Genom Mezzos hemsida kan man själv prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet.
Mezzo, alltså den franska tevekanalen med klassisk och jazzmusik. Oslagbar musikkanal vad jag kan förstå. Relativt billigt för ComHem-kunder.
December du 1 au 15
Albert Herring
Saturday, December 5 at 8:30 p.m.:Britten
Mezzo-watchers discovered director Richard Brunel at last year's Aix-en-Provence Festival in his rendering of Hadyn's L’Infedelta delusa (Deceit Outwitted). There, we were seduced by the intelligence and rhythm of his direction, which perfectly blended actors with music. We find these same qualities in the staging of Albert Herring, which Benjamin Britten composed in his youth. With grace and precision Conductor Laurence Equilbey leads this performance of the comic opera inspired by Maupassant. La Scala in Milan
Monday, December 7 at 8:30 p.m.: The La Scala Orchestra conducted by Myung-Whun Chung at 10:05 p.m.: Daniel Barenboïm Recital at la Scala It's nothing short of a ritual: Each year Milan's La Scala Opera begins its season on the feast day of St. Ambrose. Mezzo will take part in this musical event by broadcasting two concerts linked with the iconic theater. First, the La Scala Orchestra, led by conductor Myung-Whun Chung, offers a brilliant interpretation of Mahler's Fourth Symphony with the delicate voice of soloist Kate Royal. Then, La Scala music director Daniel Barenboïm performs a piano recital completely dedicated to Liszt. Fittingly, this selection includes excerpts from the second suite of Années de Pèlerinage (Years of Pilgrimage), a piece dedicated to Italy. Lire la suit
Tribute to Merce Cunningham
Sunday, December 13 at 8:30 p.m.:Special Evening with a Documentary and Performances
Merce Cunningham passed away last July. Mezzo is paying tribute to him through a documentary and several performances which remind us just how profoundly this famous American choreographer revolutionized the world of dance. Companion of composer John Cage, Cunningham will be remembered for entirely rethinking the relationship between music and dance — a certain vision of the art in its totality.
High-Flying Guitarists
Thursday, December 3 8:30 p.m.: Wes Montgomery Live in 1965 9:50 p.m.: Guitar Conference with Russell Malone, Mark Whitfield, Chuck Loeb and Pat Martino The jazz guitarist is Mezzo's guest of honor. This is the opportunity to discover one of the greatest: Wes Montgomery in his 1965 concerts. His style, both elegant and rhythmic, is unforgettable. Next, four gifted guitarists team up to rival each other's musicality and virtuoso in an impassioned program. A true meeting of the mighty: Russell Malone, Mark Whitfield, Chuck Loeb and Pat Martino.
Stig Östlund
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