Stig Östlund

tisdag, november 27, 2012


G.O.P. Senators Not Satisfied as Rice Concedes Error on Libya

By MARK LANDLER and JEREMY W. PETERS     The ambassador to the United Nations, Susan E. Rice, said Tuesday that she incorrectly described the attack on the American mission in Libya but said she based her statement on the available intelligence.

Mexico Shifts Focus From Drug War to Economy

By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD and ELISABETH MALKIN     In a meeting with President Obama on Tuesday, Enrique Peña Nieto, the Mexican president-elect, plans to highlight a more prosperous Mexico where high-skilled jobs are plentiful.
The Caucus

Debt Reckoning: Updates on the Fiscal Deadline

By THE NEW YORK TIMES     This feature follows the talks between President Obama and Congressional leaders over the so-called fiscal cliff. It aims to explain the major economic and fiscal issues, examine public opinion and analyze the options that the parties are considering as the deadline approaches.

Egyptian President's Hedging on Decree Fails to Stop Protest

By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK     Thousands protested the Egyptian president's attempt to assert broad new powers, despite his apparent backtracking the night before.
Coming Back | Ortley Beach, N.J.

At the Jersey Shore, Salvaging or Just Remembering

By PETER APPLEBOME     Residents of Ortley Beach, N.J., got the chance on Sunday to inspect the damage from Hurricane Sandy and start sweeping out.
