Stig Östlund

torsdag, mars 18, 2010


"But we should not lose sight of what health care reform would do. It would extend insurance coverage to more than 30 million Americans and provide hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to make health insurance more affordable for lower-income people. It would modernize Medicaid by basing eligibility on income rather than demographic category. It would transform private insurance by prohibiting discrimination on the basis of preexisting conditions and by limiting medical underwriting, making insurance coverage more accessible for millions of Americans with serious illnesses. It would subject insurers to new regulations and outlaw the practice of rescission (whereby insurers retroactively cancel enrollees’ coverage once their care becomes too costly). It would establish health insurance exchanges that would — in tandem with new tax credits — enable small businesses and individuals without employer coverage to afford better coverage. It would make insurance more secure for Americans who already have it, and more available and affordable for those who do not. And it would improve Medicare by enhancing prescription-drug coverage and preventive benefits and by slowing the rate of growth in Medicare spending, which will reduce the financial burden on program beneficiaries.".--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Läs hela artikeln "A Vote for Health Care Reform" i The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) och kanske bland annat artikeln "Abortion Rates and Universal Health Care Abort" (Ämnet USA och abort är alltid intressant) . Eller som fullkomligt novis inom området: "gissa" på sjukdomar (eller rygga tillbaka) som det visas bilder på. Och framförallt - kanske det viktigaste - förkovra Dig i världsspråket. ----------------------------------------------------------------Googla NEJM i så fall.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
