Stig Östlund

måndag, mars 22, 2010

Healthcare fight was Obama's proving ground

Los Angeles Times. By Peter Nicholas
March 22, 2010

Reporting from WashingtonRarely does a president bet everything on a single card, but Barack Obama did it on healthcare. Almost from the beginning, the White House was guided by one priority: Nothing must get in the way of healthcare. Everything else would have to wait.On Sunday night, the president who was criticized for winning a Nobel Prize without much of a record finally won a signature achievement -- victory on the kind of massive healthcare overhaul that Democrats had sought and failed to achieve for nearly half a century.In the months ahead, Obama will face the question of whether his healthcare victory is a high-water mark for a now-exhausted administration, or instead becomes the leaping-off point for victories on other big issues, such as energy, immigration and financial regulation. /L A Times---Läs artikelns fortsättning:---,0,6719058.story?track=ntothtml-------------------------
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