The red arrow in the plot, that looks like a clock hand, points toward the noon meridian.
The statistical pattern depicting the auroral oval is appropriate to the auroral activity level determined from the power flux observed during the most recent polar satellite pass. The power fluxes in the statistical pattern are color coded on a scale from 0 to 10 ergs .cm-2.sec-1 according to the color bar on the right. The pattern has been oriented with respect to the underlying geographic map using the current universal time, updated every ten minutes.
This presentation provides an estimate of the location, extent, and intensity of aurora on a global basis. For example, the presentation gives a guide to the possibility that the aurora is located near a given location in the northern hemisphere under the conditions that existed at the time of the most recent polar satellite pass.
Norrsken (och sydsken) är radioamatörer intresserad av, liksom allt som påverkar etern (man sänder även radiosignaler mot norrskenet [eller sydskenet] där de studsar, och kommer "hem" igen efter en liten och snabb åktur.
Betr. NOAA/POES-satelliterna så är de främst väderditon. Den senaste skickades upp i februari.
Googlar man "NOAA POES" och är intresserad av aurora mm närmar man sig en guldgruva.