
As the air grows clearer, we enjoy the glorious of Spitzbergen. The coast is resplendent with glaciers here and there along the water's edge; the vitreous heaps glisten in the sun's ray, reflecting all the colours of the prism. Above them a vapoury cloud floats like a girdle in mid air, and above this again, the thousand needle-like peaks of the mountains rise to a prodigious height; the mountain tops are clad in snow, and stand out in bold relief against the leaden sky ...Nothing could harmonise more perfectly with this awfully solemn aspect of nature, or add more to its grandeur than the colour of the sea beneath. It is possible that even scenery like this may have no attraction to some who have witnessed it. To us it is all absorbing, and we linger long over the multitude of combinations which everywhere arrest the gaze; as we sit and look upon the wondrous sight spread out before us a great curtain of fog slowly descends and shuts out from view every trace of the magic scene./
John C Wells "A Voyage to Spitzbergen" ur "The gateway to the Polynia". London 1873
John C Wells "A Voyage to Spitzbergen" ur "The gateway to the Polynia". London 1873