Stig Östlund

lördag, maj 16, 2009

E lucevan le stelle

Apropå stort i Italien bör Puccinis operor framhållas. Såg själv Tosca (rekommenderas till även till de som skräckslagen upplever ordet "opera") på Stockholmsoperan i höstas, musiken och allt fastnade för gott, inte minst: ---(Man överdriver nog inte om man vill sätta Pavarotti bland de främsta). ---
E lucevan le stelle, E olezzava la terraStridea l'uscio dell'orto, E un passo sfiorava la rena. Entrava ella, fragrante, Mi cadea fra le braccia. Oh! dolci baci, o languide carezze, Mentr'io fremente le belle forme discogliea dai veli! Svani per sempre il sogno mio d'amore... L'ora e fuggita e muoio disperato! E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!
SYNOPSES: The painter Cavaradossi has been sentenced to death for helping to hide an escaped political prisoner. As he awaits his fate, he sings of the sweet memories of his beloved Tosca and his dashed dreams.
How the stars seemed to shimmer, The sweet scents of the garden, How the creaking gate whispered, And a footstep skimmed over the sand, How she then entered, so fragrant, And then fell into my two arms! Ah sweetest of kiss, languorous caresses, While I stood trembling, searching her featuresConcealed by her mantle. My dreams of pure love, Forgotten forever! All of it's gone now!I die hopeless, despairing, and never before Have I loved life like this!---
Apropå "Stockholmsoperan" (Kungliga operan) har den just ikväll premiär på Tjajkovskijs "Spader dam", vilket också direksändes i SR:s P2 (bl.a. under tiden för Melodifestivalen i Moskva!).
