Stig Östlund

onsdag, juli 26, 2017

The top 10 foods high in iron

 Last reviewed

Iron is a mineral the human body can't
 live without. 
For starters, it's an important component 
of the protein 
called hemoglobin that carries the oxygen in your red 
blood cells. Without enough iron, you may feel tired 
and dizzy, and can even develop anemia.

Iron requirements vary by age and gender. The Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention (CDC) recommends getting 8mg per day for men, 
and 18mg per day for women who 
are not pregnant or nursing.
There are many ways to meet your daily iron requirements 
without eating the same 
foods all the time, so let's explore your options!

1. Canned Clams

Clams are one of the highest ranked food sources for iron. 
A three-ounce serving 
of canned clams contains a whopping 23.8mg of iron.
Try adding them to your favorite pasta sauces and rice dishes. 
You can even combine 
them with shrimp and other seafood favorites.

2. Fortified Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast cereals are often a main source of iron, but you 
have to choose the right 
Sugar-laden cereals you might have eaten as a kid aren't the 
best choice.
The key is to look for a fortified cereal that contains 100 percent of your daily value
 of iron.
A one-cup serving of cereal contains 18mg of iron.

3. Cooked Oysters

Next time you go to your favorite seafood restaurant, consider ordering some oysters.
A three-ounce serving contains 10.2mg of iron.
Raw oysters are also packed with nutrients, but cooked oysters 
are safer.

 pack the most. In fact, 
a one-cup serving contains 8mg of iron.
If you don't have time to sort and soak 
dry beans, try canned 
versions - just watch
 the sodium content.
You can enjoy white beans by themselves, in a salad, or add 
them to stews, soups, 
and pasta dishes.

5. Fortified Hot Cereals

For days when you crave a hot breakfast over cold cereal, 
fortified hot cereals can contain 4.9-8.1mg of iron per instant 
packet, depending on the brand.
While this is a fraction of the amount of iron found in fortified
 dry cereals, you can 
still meet your daily iron requirements by eating other sources 
of the mineral along 
with your hot cereal.

6. Dark Chocolate

If you're a dark chocolate lover, now you have another reason to eat your favorite 
Three ounces of dark chocolate - approximately one small 
bar - contains about 
7mg of iron.
Make sure you opt for real dark chocolate, which should 
contain 45 to 69 percent 
cacao solids.

7. Organ Meats

While organ meats are often overlooked, they're a great 
source of vital nutrients, 
ncluding iron.
The exact amount depends on the type of organ, as well as 
its source.
Beef liver, for example, has 5mg of iron per a regular 3oz 

Soybeans are an ideal protein source in vegetarian diets, 
but these nutrient-dense 
legumes are good for everyone.
A half-cup serving contains 4.4mg of iron.
Try substituting soybeans for meat in main dishes, or add 
dried versions to salads 
for an alternative crunch to croutons.

9. Lentils

These pulses are relatives of beans, and are another valuable 
source of iron.
A half-cup serving contains just over 3mg of iron.
The advantage of using lentils over beans is that they have a 
faster cooking time.

10. Spinach

Spinach is famous for its
 vitamin A 
content, but it is also a 
valuable source of iron: 
a half-cup of it contains about 
If eating raw spinach isn't your 
 try one of these delicious recipes.

Determine Your Iron Needs

Knowing the top sources of iron is a good kick-start to 
obtaining enough of this 
essential nutrient. But it's also important to realize that iron 
needs can vary, and may 
be greater than what is considered normal for your age and 
gender. This is especially 
true if you're already iron deficient, or are prone to anemia.
Ask your doctor or dietitian for specific iron recommendations 
if you:
  • have recently lost a lot of blood
  • take blood thinners
  • have a history of kidney disease
  • are over the age of 65
  • have heavy menstrual periods
