Stig Östlund
måndag, juli 31, 2017
E lucevan le stelle,
Ed olezzava la terra
Stridea l'uscio dell'orto
E un passo sfiorava la rena.
Entrava ella fragrante,
Mi cadea fra la braccia.
O dolci baci, o languide carezze,
Mentr'io fremente le belle forme disciogliea dai veli!
Svanì per sempre il sogno mio d'amore.
L'ora è fuggita, e muoio disperato!
E muoio disperato! E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!
Tanto la vita!
- Sevilla - EspanyolLördag. - 22:15-
- Málaga - EibarMåndag - 22:00-
- Valencia - Las PalmasFredag - 22:15-
- Celta - R. SociedadLördag - 18:15-
- Barcelona - BetisSöndag - 20:15-
- Deportivo - R. MadridSöndag - 22:15-
- Leganés - AlavésFredag - 20:15-
- Levante - VillarrealMåndag- 20:15-
- Girona - AtléticoLördag- 20:15-
- Athletic - GetafeSöndag 18:15-
Världsmästerskapen i friidrott 2017 | |
Londons Olympiastadion
| |
Datum | 4–13 augusti 2017 |
Grenar | 47 grenar i 1 sporter |
Arrangör | IAAF |
Värdskap | |
Land | ![]() |
Plats | London, England |
Arena | Londons Olympiastadion |
Die Schweiz hat die längste Hängebrücke der Welt
In der Schweiz wurde am Wochenende die „Europabrücke“ eröffnet, die eine zweitägige Wanderstrecke zwischen Grächen und Zermatt wieder komplettiert. Sie ist 90 Meter länger als die bisher längste Hängebrücke.
JCI - Increased salt consumption induces body water conservation and decreases fluid intake
Click --> JCI - Increased salt consumption induces body water conservation and decreases fluid intake
För fackfolk och mycket belästa (andra) personer.
Vi andra nöjer oss med NYT:s "resume":
Why Everything We Know About Salt May Be Wrong
The salt equation taught to doctors for more than 200 years is not hard to understand.
The body relies on this essential mineral for a variety of functions, including blood pressure and the transmission of nerve impulses. Sodium levels in the blood must be carefully maintained.
If you eat a lot of salt — sodium chloride — you will become thirsty and drink water, diluting your blood enough to maintain the proper concentration of sodium. Ultimately you will excrete much of the excess salt and water in urine.
The theory is intuitive and simple. And it may be completely wrong.
New studies of Russian cosmonauts, held in isolation to simulate space travel, show that eating more salt made them less thirsty but somehow hungrier. Subsequent experiments found that mice burned more calories when they got more salt, eating 25 percent more just to maintain their weight.
The research, published recently in two dense papers in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, contradicts much of the conventional wisdom about how the body handles salt and suggests that high levels may play a role in weight loss.
The findings have stunned kidney specialists.
“This is just very novel and fascinating,” said Dr. Melanie Hoenig, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “The work was meticulously done.”
“This is just very novel and fascinating,” said Dr. Melanie Hoenig, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “The work was meticulously done.”
Dr. James R. Johnston, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, marked each unexpected finding in the margins of the two papers. The studies were covered with scribbles by the time he was done.
“Really cool,” he said, although he added that the findings need to be replicated.
The new studies are the culmination of a decades-long quest by a determined scientist, Dr. Jens Titze, now a kidney specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research in Erlangen, Germany.
In 1991, as a medical student in Berlin, he took a class on human physiology in extreme environments. The professor who taught the course worked with the European space program and presented data from a simulated 28-day mission in which a crew lived in a small capsule.
The main goal was to learn how the crew members would get along. But the scientists also had collected the astronauts’ urine and other physiological markers.
Dr. Titze noticed something puzzling in the crew members’ data: Their urine volumes went up and down in a seven-day cycle. That contradicted all he’d been taught in medical school: There should be no such temporal cycle.
In 1994, the Russian space program decided to do a 135-day simulation of life on the Mir space station. Dr. Titze arranged to go to Russia to study urine patterns among the crew members and how these were affected by salt in the diet.
A striking finding emerged: a 28-day rhythm in the amount of sodium the cosmonauts’ bodies retained that was not linked to the amount of urine they produced. And the sodium rhythms were much more pronounced than the urine patterns.
The sodium levels should have been rising and falling with the volume of urine. Although the study wasn’t perfect — the crew members’ sodium intake was not precisely calibrated — Dr. Titze was convinced something other than fluid intake was influencing sodium stores in the crew’s bodies.
The conclusion, he realized, “was heresy.”
In 2006, the Russian space program announced two more simulation studies, one lasting 105 days and the other 520 days. Dr. Titze saw a chance to figure out whether his anomalous findings were real.
In the shorter simulation, the cosmonauts ate a diet containing 12 grams of salt daily, followed by nine grams daily, and then a low-salt diet of six grams daily, each for a 28-day period. In the longer mission, the cosmonauts also ate an additional cycle of 12 grams of salt daily.
Like most of us, the cosmonauts liked their salt. Oliver Knickel, 33, a German citizen participating in the program who is now an automotive engineer in Stuttgart, recalled that even the food that supplied 12 grams a day was not salty enough for him.
When the salt level got down to six grams, he said, “It didn’t taste good.”
The real shocker came when Dr. Titze measured the amount of sodium excreted in the crew’s urine, the volume of their urine, and the amount of sodium in their blood.
The mysterious patterns in urine volume persisted, but everything seemed to proceed according to the textbooks. When the crew ate more salt, they excreted more salt; the amount of sodium in their blood remained constant, and their urine volume increased.
“But then we had a look at fluid intake, and were more than surprised,” he said.
Instead of drinking more, the crew were drinking less in the long run when getting more salt. So where was the excreted water coming from?
“There was only one way to explain this phenomenon,” Dr. Titze said. “The body most likely had generated or produced water when salt intake was high.”
Another puzzle: The crew complained
that they were always hungry on the
diet. Dr. Titze assured them that they were
getting exactly enough food to maintain
their weights, and were eating the same
amount on the lower-salt diets, when hunger
did not seem to be problem.
that they were always hungry on the
diet. Dr. Titze assured them that they were
getting exactly enough food to maintain
their weights, and were eating the same
amount on the lower-salt diets, when hunger
did not seem to be problem.
But urine tests suggested another
The crew members were increasing
of glucocorticoid hormones, which influence
metabolism and immune function.
The crew members were increasing
of glucocorticoid hormones, which influence
metabolism and immune function.
To get further insight, Dr. Titze began a
study of mice in the laboratory. Sure enough, the
more salt he added to the animals’ diet, the
less water they drank. And he saw why.
study of mice in the laboratory. Sure enough, the
more salt he added to the animals’ diet, the
less water they drank. And he saw why.
The animals were getting water — but not by drinking it. The increased levels of
glucocorticoid hormones broke down fat
and muscle in their own bodies. This freed
up water for the body to use.
glucocorticoid hormones broke down fat
and muscle in their own bodies. This freed
up water for the body to use.
But that process requires energy, Dr. Titze
also found, which is why the mice ate 25
percent more food on a high-salt diet.
The hormones also may be a cause of the
long-term fluctuations in urine volume.
also found, which is why the mice ate 25
percent more food on a high-salt diet.
The hormones also may be a cause of the
long-term fluctuations in urine volume.
Scientists knew that a starving body will
burn its own fat and muscle for sustenance.
But the realization that something similar happens
on a salty diet has come as a revelation.
burn its own fat and muscle for sustenance.
But the realization that something similar happens
on a salty diet has come as a revelation.
People do what camels do, noted Dr. Mark
Zeidel, a nephrologist at Harvard Medical
School who wrote an editorial
accompanying Dr. Titze’s studies.
A camel traveling through the desert that
no water to drink gets water instead by
breaking down the fat in its hump.
Zeidel, a nephrologist at Harvard Medical
School who wrote an editorial
accompanying Dr. Titze’s studies.
A camel traveling through the desert that
no water to drink gets water instead by
breaking down the fat in its hump.
One of the many implications of this
is that salt may be involved in weight
loss. Generally, scientists have assumed
that a
high-salt diet encourages a greater
of fluids, which increases weight.
is that salt may be involved in weight
loss. Generally, scientists have assumed
that a
high-salt diet encourages a greater
of fluids, which increases weight.
But if balancing a higher salt intake
the body to break down tissue, it may also increase energy expenditure.
the body to break down tissue, it may also increase energy expenditure.
Still, Dr. Titze said he would not
eating a lot of salt to lose weight. If his
results are correct, more salt will make you hungrier in
the long run, so you would have to be sure
you did not eat more food to make up for the
extra calories burned.
eating a lot of salt to lose weight. If his
results are correct, more salt will make you hungrier in
the long run, so you would have to be sure
you did not eat more food to make up for the
extra calories burned.
And, Dr. Titze said, high glucocorticoid
levels are linked to such conditions as osteoporosis, muscle loss, Type 2 diabetes
and other metabolic problems.
levels are linked to such conditions as osteoporosis, muscle loss, Type 2 diabetes
and other metabolic problems.
But what about liquids? Everyone
knows that salty foods make you thirsty.
How could it be that
a high-salt diet made the cosmonauts less
knows that salty foods make you thirsty.
How could it be that
a high-salt diet made the cosmonauts less
In reality, said Dr. Zeidel, people and
animals get thirsty because salt-detecting
neurons in the mouth stimulate an urge
to drink. This kind
of “thirst” may have nothing to do with the
body’s actual need for water.
animals get thirsty because salt-detecting
neurons in the mouth stimulate an urge
to drink. This kind
of “thirst” may have nothing to do with the
body’s actual need for water.
These findings have opened up an array
of puzzling questions, experts said.
of puzzling questions, experts said.
“The work suggests that we really do
not understand the effect of sodium chloride
the body,” said Dr. Hoenig.
not understand the effect of sodium chloride
the body,” said Dr. Hoenig.
“These effects may be far more complex
far-reaching than the relatively simple
that dictate movement of fluid,
based on pressures and particles.”
far-reaching than the relatively simple
that dictate movement of fluid,
based on pressures and particles.”
She and others have not abandoned
their conviction that high-salt diets
can raise
blood pressure in some people.
their conviction that high-salt diets
can raise
blood pressure in some people.
But now, Dr. Hoenig said, “I suspect
when it comes to the adverse effects of
high sodium intake, we are right for all the
wrong reasons.”
when it comes to the adverse effects of
high sodium intake, we are right for all the
wrong reasons.”
It’s High Time for Ticks, Which Are Spreading Diseases Farther
Everybody knows about Lyme disease. But experts say the Northern United States may be in for a bad tick season this summer, raising concerns about Lyme and other scary tick-borne diseases, including the Powassan virus, which causes encephalitis [ Hjärninflammation. Tick-borne encephalitis: TBE, fästingburen encefalit ] and can leave people with permanent neurological damage.
“This spring definitely seems worse than others I remember,” said Dr. Catherine Wiley, chief of general pediatrics at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. “People are coming in from the yard with numerous ticks on them.”
When we think of ticks, we tend to think of deer, but Richard S. Ostfeld, a senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, N.Y., said it’s really all about mice. He has been studying white-footed mouse population ecology for the past 25 years. Every four or five years, he said, there’s a bumper acorn crop, so more mice survive the following winter, breed and reach what he called “mouse plague levels” in the summer.
These mice will be the main source of infection for the tiny larval ticks that hatch in August and can attach to many mammals and birds, which will try to groom them off. Mice “are just not fastidious groomers,” Dr. Ostfeld said, so their ticks tend to survive. Those larval ticks then morph into the nymph stage and stay dormant through the following winter. And then, in late spring through early summer, the nymphs begin to feed. It’s those nymphs, infected in the larval stage by mice, that transmit the infections to humans.
More New Yorkers Opting for Life in the Bike Lane
Biking has become part of New York’s commuting culture as the city expands bike routes and Citi Bikes become ubiquitous.
There are more than 450,000 daily bike trips.
By WINNIE HU JULY 30, 2017
On one of Brooklyn’s busier commuter streets, bicycles now outnumber cars. The two-wheelers glide down a bike lane on Hoyt Street, which links Downtown Brooklyn with thriving brownstone-lined neighborhoods. There are so many bikes during the evening rush that they pack together at red lights and spill out in front of cars. It is the kind of bike hegemony that was once hard to imagine in New York City, where cars and taxis long claimed the streets and only hardened cyclists braved the chaotic traffic. “New York has really become a biking world,” said Jace Rivera, 42, a former construction worker who so enjoyed riding his bike to work that he changed careers last year to become a bike messenger. “The city has gotten a lot more crowded, and the trains have gotten a lot more expensive. By biking, you spare yourself the crowds, you save a lot of money, and you can go to work on time.” Biking has become part of New York’s commuting infrastructure as bike routes have been expanded and a fleet of 10,000 Citi Bikes has been deployed to more than 600 locations. Today there are more than 450,000 daily bike trips in the city, up from 170,000 in 2005, an increase that has outpaced population and employment growth, according to city officials. About one in five bike trips is by a commuter.
söndag, juli 30, 2017
Soccer’s El Clásico Comes to Miami.
MIAMI — An excitable, well-heeled crowd gathered in the Brickell City Centre shopping complex, camera phones poised.
Paolo Maldini, the legendary Italian soccer player, smiled back. He was in good company: a handful of current stars of the world game — Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Andrés Iniesta and Luis Suárez — were there, too.
Well, at least their faces were. Faces made out of moss.
“Soccer is the most powerful sport in the world,” said Paloma Teppa, the founder of the botanical art gallery Plant the Future, who had created the works with the local muralist Andrew Antonaccio. “So combining it with Mother Nature is a wonderful thing.”
Teppa, an Argentine, said she was unsure if any of the Barcelona and Real Madrid players in town for a match this weekend had seen the portraits, but it hardly seemed to matter.
< -- Barcelona forward Neymar attended a Friday event organized by a sports shop in Miami.
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