A Summary of Recent Published Activity
T.M. Uyeki
N Engl J Med 370:789, February 27, 2014
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P.C. McMinn
N Engl J Med 370:792, February 27, 2014
A.S. Fauci and H.D. Marston
N Engl J Med 370:495, February 6, 2014
V. D'Acremont and Others
N Engl J Med 370:809, February 27, 2014
R. Li and Others
N Engl J Med 370:829, February 27, 2014
F. Zhu and Others
N Engl J Med 370:818, February 27, 2014
T.M.A. van Dongen and Others
N Engl J Med 370:723, February 20, 2014
B. Speich and Others
N Engl J Med 370:610, February 13, 2014
W.K. Yih and Others
N Engl J Med 370:503, February 6, 2014
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Q. Li and Others
N Engl J Med 370:520, February 6, 2014
E.S. Weintraub and Others
N Engl J Med 370:513, February 6, 2014
R.G. Wunderink and G.W. Waterer
N Engl J Med 370:543, February 6, 2014
CME | Full Text Audio | Comments
O.-P.R. Hamnvik and Others
N Engl J Med 370:e12, February 13, 2014
P.H. Yager and Others
N Engl J Med 370:753, February 20, 2014
K. Maitland
N Engl J Med 370:875, February 27, 2014
L. Savioli
N Engl J Med 370:665, February 13, 2014
R.I. Glass and U.D. Parashar
N Engl J Med 370:568, February 6, 2014
C. Park and Others
N Engl J Med 370:885, February 27, 2014
H. Jessen and Others
N Engl J Med 370:682, February 13, 2014