Stig Östlund

torsdag, oktober 17, 2013

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October 17, 2013
Today's Feature
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HealthDay News

Many Doctors Ignore Guidelines, Order PSA Tests for Elderly Men

Study found 40 percent of men aged 75 and older were screened, despite expert consensus against it
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 A new study finds that too many doctors ignore current guidelines that advise against giving PSA tests to elderly men, subjecting many of these patients to needless worry and bother.
Even though no ma... » Read the full article

Bypass May Beat Angioplasty for Diabetics With Heart Disease

Study found higher quality of life after bypass than with less-invasive angioplasty
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 Generally, the less invasive a surgical procedure is, the better. But, that's not necessarily true for people with diabetes.
Recent research has found lower death rates and fewer heart attacks in peo... » Read the full article

Anesthesia Technique May Affect Survival After Breast Cancer Surgery: Study

Adding nerve block seemed to reduce recurrence rate
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 The anesthesia technique used during breast cancer surgery may affect cancer recurrence and survival, Danish researchers report.
In a small study that followed 77 breast cancer patients, researchers f... » Read the full article

How Much Alcohol In Your Drink? Stronger Beverages Make It Tough to Tell

A glass of wine at a restaurant may be 50 percent more potent than you think, experts warn
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 Thanks to rising alcohol levels in wine and beer, the drinks served in bars and restaurants are often more potent than people realize, a new report shows.
As a result, even conscientious drinkers who ... » Read the full article

Did Recession Lead to Increase in Vasectomies?

Wisconsin researchers found link between economy and procedure rates, but another expert says it's not proof
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 The financial crisis of 2008 and lingering economic woes are having an impact on men's reproductive decisions, new research suggests.
"With the current recession, it's pushing more guys to get a vase... » Read the full article

Crystal Meth May Jump-Start Injection Drug Use, Study Says

Researchers focused on street kids in Canada
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 Young people who use crystal methamphetamine are at increased risk of injecting drugs, a new Canadian study finds.
The highly addictive man-made stimulant is usually smoked but sometimes snorted or in... » Read the full article

Lower Smog Levels Tied to Lower Birth Weights

Pregnant women's exposure to air pollution from traffic, industry still too high, European study finds
TUESDAY, Oct. 15 Pregnant women exposed to even low levels of air pollution are more likely to have low-birth-weight babies, a new study suggests.
Researchers analyzed data from 14 studies that were conducted in 12 Eu... » Read the full article

Exercise Might Boost Men's Sperm Counts, Study Finds

Meanwhile, other research saw no fertility effects from caffeine, alcohol
MONDAY, Oct. 14 Exercise may boost a man's sperm count, and therefore may improve a couple's chances of conception, according to a new study.
In particular, men who lift weights or spend time working or exercising out... » Read the full article

Chemicals and Conception
 How do BPA and phthalats affect a healthy couples' fertility and miscarriage risk?
Watch now
Decongestant Safety
 Top tips for safely using over-the-counter decongestants this cold season.
Watch now
Exercise and Menopause
 Yoga during menopause may not help with hot flashes, but it might help you sleep better.
Watch now

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 Health and medical information changes rapidly--even hourly. New studies and findings are reported daily. It is imperative for eHealth portals to stay up-to-date with these studies and findings to encourage their visitors to bookmark and visit daily.
The news stories provided in this e-newsletter are a service of the nationally syndicated HealthDay news and information company. Stories refer to national trends and breaking health news, and are not necessarily indicative of or always supported by the physicians in our practice. This information is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please see our full Terms of Use for more information.
