Top stories on MediaGuardianCulture secretary may be set for sideways move in reshuffle despite wanting to remain in post and having 'learned lesson' over BSkyB bid BBC allows mobile iPlayer downloads Development means viewers will be able to watch on-demand programmes on iPads and iPhones while abroad C4 documentary receives 1,200 complaints Islam: The Untold Story, presented by Tom Holland, on the origins of Islam sees Channel 4 and Ofcom inundated with complaints Today's featured media jobsGuardian News & Media - Event Delegate Sales ExecutiveLondon/permanent/full time Flight Centre - Database Marketing Executive New Malden/permanent/full time Howard League for Penal Reform - Press Officer London/permanent/full time For more jobs, career advice and workplace news visit Today's headlinesThe GuardianRebekah Brooks appears in court. P14 "---The former News International chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, has appeared in court in relation to charges of allegedly conspiring to hack into the voicemail of murdered teenager Milly Dowler and up to six others. In a four minute hearing, Brooks spoke only to confirm her name, address and date of birth at Westminster magistrates court on Monday morning. She was ordered by chief magistrate Howard Riddle Brooks to appear at Southwark crown court on 26 September in relation to the charges. The former editor of the Sun and News of the World is already due in court on that day for a hearing in relation to separate charges that she allegedly conspired to pervert the course of justice.---" Internet used to ply trade in rare species. P19 The Independent Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P8 Conde Nast improves revenues and profits. P54 DMGT sells remaining 50% stake in Australian radio business to Lachlan Murdoch. P55 i Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P20 Bruce Willis to sue Apple over iTunes songs. P22 Facebook begins crackdown on "fake likes". P41 DMGT sells remaining 50% stake in Australian radio business to Lachlan Murdoch. P43 Daily Telegraph Fake book reviews are rife on internet, author warns. P10 Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P12 DMGT sells remaining 50% stake in Australian radio business to Lachlan Murdoch. P35 The Times Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P14 DMGT sells remaining 50% stake in Australian radio business to Lachlan Murdoch. P32, 35 Universal Music poised to agree takeover of EMI. P32 Financial Times Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P4 Pirate Bay co-founder held in Cambodia. P22 Nokia share price rises ahead of phone launch. P34 Wall Street Journal Europe New devices looming from Amazon, Motorola and Nokia. P1, 21 Twitter's ads set to target user interests. P16 Renren shifts focus to mobile business. P17 Baidu launches mobile web browser. P20 Daily Mail DMGT sells remaining 50% stake in Australian radio business to Lachlan Murdoch. P65 Daily Express Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P2 Daybreak has a garish new set. P25 Hibu shares plunge further. P49 The Sun Vodafone to enter Iraq for the first time. P38 Daily Mirror Rebekah Brooks appears in court. P31 Daily Star Hollywood has had one of its worst summers for years. P27 And finally ... And finally … Yep, just when Monkey thought the reality TV franchise spin-off genre had been squeezed of all the ratings life it has to give, the BBC wants more. Auntie is planning an "all-star" version of Strictly Come Dancing, pitting finalists such as Kara Tointon, Mark Ramprakash and Jill Halfpenny against each other for the title of super-dooper champion of the Strictly world. It's purely to provide an Olympic-like battle of the best that licence-fee payers are crying out for, not just ratings, of course. The Sun TVbviz, P1 Also on todayFall in defamation cases may be due to LevesonMore cautious editorial approach may be behind 36% drop in defamation cases against UK press Magazine considers reversing ban on professional models after two years German women's magazine Brigitte finds using 'real women' takes longer and has not improved sales Scottish Sun cancels book serialisation after Rangers fans jam switchboard Editor cancels extracts day after running blurb and sympathetic author interview Bradley Manning's lawyer demands sentence cut David Coombs is demanding that at least seven years be cut from any sentence the US soldier might be given UK tells Ecuador Assange can't be extradited if he faces death penalty William Hague says WikiLeaks founder could only be sent to US if both Britain and Sweden believe human rights would not be breached "--- Britain has assured Ecuador that Julian Assange has a double guarantee that he cannot face extradition from Sweden to the US if he were to face the death penalty or his human rights were to be breached. In a written statement to MPs, the foreign secretary, William Hague, said it was a "matter of regret" that the government of Ecuador had decided to offer asylum to Assange after Britain offered a series of assurances to Quito. Britain is seeking to extradite Assange to Sweden, where he faces allegations of sexual misconduct. The WikiLeaks founder, who sought protection in the Ecuadorean embassy in London in June, has been granted asylum by Quito on the grounds that he could face extradition from Sweden to the US where, it is feared, he could face the death penalty for his role in publishing hundreds of thousands of leaked US government documents. Hague told MPs the double guarantee meant Assange could only be extradited to the US from Sweden if both Britain and Sweden believed he would not face the death penalty and his human rights would not be breached. The foreign secretary said: "Both the United Kingdom and Sweden are signatories to the European convention on human rights and the British government has complete confidence in the independence and fairness of the Swedish judicial system. As we have discussed with the government of Ecuador, the United Kingdom and Sweden robustly implement and adhere to the highest standards of human rights protection.---" anzanian TV journalist killed Reporter struck by gas canister thrown by police officer hits 250k posts as first iPhone and Android apps are released Half of posts so far coming from external clients, but Hooha for and AppNetRhino may boost that Romney-Ryan convention message plays well with swing state media News reports and editorials show how carefully targeted convention narrative played in battleground states American journalist's family calls on Damascus to release Austin Tine US state department tries to confirm photographer is in custody of pro-government forces in Syria as concern grows | ||
Stig Östlund
tisdag, september 04, 2012
Today's media stories from the papers
- ...
- Large bacterial population colonized land 2.75 bil...
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- Today's headlines
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