Stig Östlund

torsdag, augusti 09, 2012

Mars link for Timaru radio amateur

There was excitement in Timaru's Newton St last night.
Timaru amateur radio enthusiast and technology buff George Boorer watched with anticipation as Nasa's Curiosity sent a signal from Mars.
It was a moment he had waited 12 months for after receiving news that his name would be encoded on a chip aboard the craft.
Mr Boorer, 68, known on Mars as radio amatuer ZL3PN, received a certificate of authentication after he applied to have his details sent to the planet.
The retired electrician is a life member of the South Canterbury Amateur Radio Club and has built an impressive setup at his home where he listens in and chats with other operators around the world.

Timaru = stad i Nya Zeeland [Sydön]
