Stig Östlund

torsdag, mars 18, 2010

World Water Day 23 mars

Water is fundamental to life on earth. For human populations and ecosystems to thrive, that water must be clean, it must stay clean and, most importantly, it must be accessible to all.
World Water Day 2010 calls for "Clean Water for a Healthy World". As we celebrate this Day, let us consider the facts. More than 2.5 billion people live without proper sanitation. An estimated 884 million people, the majority of them in Africa, do not have access to safe drinking water. Some 1.5 million children under five die each year from sickness caused by water-borne diseases. The degradation of water quality in rivers, streams, lakes, and groundwater systems has a direct impact on ecosystems and human health. This state of affairs represents an unspeakable human tragedy, and is also major obstacle to development. /Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO --Läs Bokovas hela intressanta artikel:
