Stig Östlund

tisdag, augusti 09, 2011

Rick Perry to Make Clear That He Intends to Run for President

 Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is preparing to make clear his intentions to join the Republican presidential race on Saturday, two associates said, by visiting South Carolina and New Hampshire on the same day that several of his potential rivals are taking part in the Iowa Straw Poll.
 Mr. Perry, who has been inching closer to declaring his candidacy for weeks, is expected to stop short of making a formal announcement. But appearing before Republican crowds in the two early-voting states was intended to clear up any lingering questions about his plans.

/Swedish:/ Det var Rick Perry som efterträdde farbror Bush som guvernör i Texas, och som sådan blev Perry rekordinnehavare: hans administration har utdömt de flesta dödsdomarna i amerikansk guvenörhistoria.
