Stig Östlund

fredag, juni 30, 2017

U21-EM i fotboll FINAL

I kväll Tyskland - Spanien 

Kanal 5.  

Kl 20.45

Stora förutsättningar att bli en härlig fotbollsmatch (22 x teknik, snabbhet och styrka finns hos båda lagen).

! juli Canada 150 år

Canadian Confederation (French)Confédération canadienne) was the process by which the British colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and Brunswick  were united into one Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1867.Upon confederation, the old province of Canada was divided into Ontario and Quebeck; along with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the new federation was thus composed of four provinces. Over the years since Confederation, Canada has seen numerous territorial changes and expansions, resulting in the current union of ten provinces and three territories.

Trump kallar tevevärdar för ”tokiga” och ”knäppa” /DN

The tweet marked a new low in presidential history, said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian at Rice University. “We make a big deal that Harry Truman told off a newspaper critic for writing a bad review of his daughter’s music concert,” he said. “How G-rated is that compared to what Donald Trump has done?/Washington Post
Harry Truman

2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Final

Date 2 July 2017. 
Venue Krestovsky Stadium, SaintPetersburg

Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017

total solar eclipse will take place on Monday, August 21, 2017. A solar eckipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometers wide.

The eclipse will have a magnitude of 1.0306 and will be visible from a narrow corridor through the United States. The longest duration of totality will be 2 minutes 41.6 seconds at 37°35′0″N 89°7′0″W 

A partial solar eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moons penumbra, including all of North America northern South America, western Europe, and Africa.

The eclipse in Europe

The boundaries of the sunset partial eclipse in Western Europe. 

In northwestern Europe, the eclipse will only be visible as a partial eclipse, in the evening or at sunset. Only Iceland, Ireland and Scotland will see the eclipse from beginning to end; in the rest of the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, sunset will occur before the end of the eclipse. In Germany, only in the extreme northwest the beginning of the eclipse might be visible just at sunset. In all regions east of the orange line in the map, the eclipse will be invisible.

torsdag, juni 29, 2017

Fifa Confederations Cup

Tyskland-Mexico  4-1
Två härliga lag bjöd på fotbollsunderhållning av hög klass.

As global warming cooks the United States in the decades ahead, not all states will suffer equally.

Maine may benefit from milder winters. Florida, by contrast, could face major losses, as deadly heat waves flare up in the summer and rising sea levels eat away at valuable coastal properties.
In a new study in the journal Science, researchers analyzed the economic harm that climate change could inflict on the United States in the coming century. They found that the impacts could prove highly unequal: states in the Northeast and West would fare relatively well, while parts of the Midwest and Southeast would be especially hard hit.
In all, the researchers estimate that the nation could face damages worth 0.7 percent of gross domestic product per year by the 2080s for every 1 degree Fahrenheit rise in global temperature. But that overall number obscures wide variations: The worst-hit counties — mainly in states that already have warm climates, like Arizona or Texas — could see losses worth 10 to 20 percent of G.D.P. or more if emissions continue to rise unchecked.
“The reason for that is fairly well understood: A rise in temperatures is a lot more damaging if you’re living in a place that’s already hot,” said Solomon Hsiang, a professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a lead author of the study.

Fifa Confederations Cup

Chile-Portugal 0-0
Straffavgörande: Chile vann.
I kväll Mexico-Tyskland.
SVT visar.

For Exercise, Nothing Like the Great Outdoors

We all know, by now, that for optimal health, we need to move. But research and anecdotal experience indicate that people rarely exercise if they do not enjoy it. Workouts, for many, are something like possessions: If they don’t spark joy, they tend to be discarded.
Many different aspects of exercise are thought to affect how much we like working out. But in general, most experts agree that a workout’s intensity and its duration have the greatest influence on our feelings about it.
In recent years, many scientists and other experts have focused their attention on short, intense workouts, typically called high-intensity interval training, because the duration is so slight, lessening the likelihood that people will be too busy to exercise. But while many people who take up high-intensity interval training report being pleased by the workouts’ brevity, they often also say that the intensity is not fun for them, which, over the long term, could discourage them from continuing.

More --> NYT of today

onsdag, juni 28, 2017


Semifinal 1. Från Kazan Arena i Kazan, Ryssland. Kommentator: Chris Härenstam. Expert: Glenn Strömberg. I studion: Mats Nyström, Daniel Nannskog och Therese Bosta.
SVT 21.00  i kväll

Jag kan inte förstå att vi än en gång måste försvara Bjørnøya mot Arktiska oljeborrningar. Eller att någon fortfarande aktivt vill bidra till klimatförändringarna genom att öppna nya oljefält.

Jag besökte Bjørnøya för tre år sedan och ön är nu en av mina favoritplatser. De karga klipporna tornar upp sig flera hundra meter rakt upp ur havet och ackompanjeras av en kakafoni av hundratusentals skränande sjöfåglar.

Nu hotas den unika miljön igen när den norska staten öppnar nya oljefält i ett område som omgärdar nästan hela Bjørnøya. Även om ön och havsområdet närmast är etablerade naturskyddsområden så är de helt skyddslösa mot ett eventuellt oljeutsläpp.

Du har säkert sett bilder av fåglar täckta av olja som kämpar för sina liv efter oljespill. Det är inte en syn jag vill se i Arktis. Därför seglar vi mot Arktis i sommar för att visa vad Norges regering sysslar med utom synhåll för allmänheten. Som alltid är vi beroende av bidrag från modiga givare som du!

Riskerna med oljeutsläpp är allvarliga men oljeborrningarna påverkar oss alla. Faktum är att det nya klimatavtalet slår fast att det redan finns mer olja i befintliga oljefält än vi har råd att bränna. Det här vet även den norska staten, men väljer ändå att riskera våra barns och barnbarns framtid.

Vi tänker inte stå stå passiva när oljebolag och regeringar låter olja gå före människor och miljö. 

Sini Saarela


The New Mexico Department of Health said this week that two women were found to have plague, bringing the total number of people this year in the state known to have the disease to three.

More --> NYT

Michael Nyqvist, a Swedish actor who starred in the original “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” movies and portrayed menacing villains in “John Wick” and other Hollywood thrillers, died on Tuesday in Stockholm. He was 56.

His family, who confirmed his death in a statement, said the cause was lung cancer.
Mr. Nyqvist, who spent the first year or so of his life in a Stockholm orphanage, discovered his love for acting as a high school senior in 1977 in Omaha, Neb., according to his website. An exchange student in an American high school at the time, he enrolled in his first acting class and landed a small role in the school’s production of the play “Death of a Salesman.”
He returned to Sweden no longer interested in becoming a teacher or a lawyer, he told the Swedish magazine Café in 2009. He had a passion for the arts and enrolled in ballet school, but quit after a brief period to pursue theater school. Early on, he received supporting roles in several plays and movies in Sweden, but his stardom in Swedish film and television did not come fast.
As Mr. Nyqvist charted his acting career, he also confronted what he later called the most traumatic part of his life: being an orphan and the mystery of his biological parents. At age 6, his adoptive parents, who were Swedish, told him that they had picked him as an orphan and that his biological mother was Swedish and his father was Italian. His parents told him to keep his adoption a secret, he told the Swedish magazine Hemmets Journal in 2013.
“A secret that made me very lonely,” he told the magazine.

Rolf Ake Mikael Nyqvist was born on Nov. 8, 1960, in Stockholm. His adoptive father was a lawyer and his mother was a writer.In his 30s, Mr. Nyqvist set out to locate his biological parents with the little information he knew about them, first tracking down and meeting his mother only once, in a Stockholm cafe for an hour. He found his father, a pharmacist named Marcello, in Florence, Italy, he wrote in a 2010 autobiography“It’s life before and after I got my Italian family. The change was felt throughout my body,” he told Hemmets Journal about discovering his father and his two half sisters, adding, “I have accepted my background — it is no longer distressed or diffused.”


Spanien blir Tysklands motståndare i finalen i U21-EM i fotboll. Det står klart sedan spanjorerna vunnit semifinalen mot Italien med 3–1. Atletico Madridstjärnan Saul Niguez blev stor matchhjälte med sina tre mål. Italiens mål gjordes av Federico BernardeschFinalen mellan Tyskland, som besegrade England i sin semfinal, och Spanien spelas på fredag.

Saúl Ñíguez, Spaniens unge världsstjärna.

Född i Elche den 21 november 1994, klubb Atlético Madrid. 

lördag, juni 24, 2017

Clark County, which occupies that corner of Nevada, is the county that most looks like the United States of 2060 in terms of race, Hispanic ethnicity, age and gender, according to new data from the Census Bureau. It was followed by Contra Costa and Solano Counties in California’s Bay Area.

The bureau on Thursday published its latest detailed population estimates for each of the more than 3,000 American counties.

Clark County, Nev. in 201644%11%31%14%
... most resembles the U.S. in 205147%13%27%14%
U.S. in 201661%12%18%8%

More on NYT

fredag, juni 23, 2017

14 Years Old. Losing Muscle Every Day.

Nicolas is 14 and has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which is robbing him of his muscles — and his life. A new and expensive drug may help, but can he get it?
TORONTO — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said Thursday that he had a productive relationship with President Trump despite their broad differences, but also warned that the United States might harm only itself if it reduced trade ties with Canada. He was speaking at an event organized by The New York Times and the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. Here are highlights of the interview.

Tågkaos i Sverige. Inte möjligt!

2017 FIFA Confederations Cup - Tack SVT som visar matcherna

Ställning grupp A
Mexico 4 pinnar, Portugal 4 p., Ryssland 3 p., Nya Zeeland 0 p.
Grupp B
Chile 4 p., Tyskland 4 p., Australien 1 p., Kamerun 1 p. (Chile-Tyskland spelade 1-1 igår)

Det svenska U21-landslaget ute ur EM. Inte mycket mer att säga om detta.

torsdag, juni 22, 2017

U21. Viktig match för Sverige ikväll

Sverige-Slovakien ikväll (kanal 5!)

Norges regering är beredd att riskera vår säkerhet och framtid när de väljer att öppna nya oljefält i Barents hav.
De är fullt medvetna om att förbränning av olja bidrar till klimatförändringarnaDe vet att det i existerande fält redan finns mer olja än vad vi har råd att förbränna. De vet dessutom att förbränningen av olja eldar på extrema väderfenomen som tyfoner och torka som skapar lidande över hela världen./Greenpeace

  • Det kom ett brev om sommarsäd,
  • om vinbärsbuskar, körsbärsträd,
  • ett brev ifrån min gamla mor
  • med skrift så darrhänt stor.

  • Ord intill ord stod klöveräng
  • och mogen råg och blomstersäng,
  • och Han som över allting rår
  • från år till år.
  • Där låg i solen gård vid gård
  • inunder Herrens trygga vård,
  • och klara klockor ringde fred
  • till jorden ned.
  • Där var en lukt av trädgårdsgång
  • och av lavendel, aftonsång,
  • och söndagsfriden då hon skrev
  • till mig sitt brev.
  • Det hade hastat natt och dag,
  • utan att vila, för att jag
  • långt borta skulle veta det
  • som är från evighet.

                   Pär Lagerkvist

Efficacy of Recombinant Influenza Vaccine in Adults 50 Years of Age or Older — NEJM

Click -->Efficacy of Recombinant Influenza Vaccine in Adults 50 Years of Age or Older — NEJM: Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine —

Turmeric, red grape, and apple compounds 'starve' prostate cancer cells

An apple peel compound can halt the growth of prostate cancer cells when combined with compounds from red grapes or turmeric.

What do turmeric [gurkmeja], apples, and grapes have in common? According to a new study, they could hold the key to preventing and treating one of the most common cancers in the United States.

Researchers have identified a number of natural compounds that have the potential to "starve" prostate cancer tumors and shrink them.
Compounds present in turmeric, red grapes, and apple peel appear to have the strongest effect, particularly in combination.
Study co-author Stefano Tiziani, of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and the Dell Pediatric Research Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, and colleagues recently reported their findings in the journal Precision Oncology.
After skin cancer , prostate cancer is the most commoncancer among men in the U.S. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be161.360 cases of prostate cancer diagnosed this year, and around 26,730 men will die from the disease.
Previous studies have identified a number of compounds, particularly found in plant-based foods, that have the potential to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
For this latest study, Tiziani and colleagues used a novel, high-throughput screening technique to test 142 natural compounds, with the aim of identifying those that are most effective for halting the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Compound combination blocked tumor growth in mice

The compounds were tested on prostate cancer cells derived from mice and humans, individually and in combination.
The team identified three compounds that were most effective for halting prostate cancer cell growth:
  • curcumin, the bright yellow compound in turmeric
  • ursolic acid, found in apple peel
  • resveratrol, found in red grapes and berries
These three compounds were then tested in mouse models of prostate cancer.
The researchers found that when ursolic acid was combined with either curcumin or resveratrol, the natural compounds prevented the uptake of glutamine by prostate cancer cells, which prevented tumor growth in the mice.
Glutamine is an amino acid that prostate cancer cells need in order to grow, so preventing its uptake effectively "starves" the cancer cells to death.
What is more, because ursolic acid, curcumin, and resveratrol are natural compounds, they did not cause any toxic effects in the mice.
However, the researchers note that the concentrations of each of the three compounds were higher than that which is normally consumed through diet. Still, the team believes that the findings show promise for a natural strategy to prevent and treat prostate cancer.

 One of Iraq’s most famous landmarks, Al Nuri Grand Mosque in Mosul, was blown up by the Islamic State. The mosque, above, is where the militants’ leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ascended a pulpit in 2014 and declared a caliphate.

Att börja dagen med Concierto de Arajuez är inte illa. För mig betyder den mycket. Av alla de slag som ödmjukhet inför Livet, vemod (tankar på bortgångna föräldrar och bröder) men kan även öppna för rik glädje. Ödmjukhet inför naturen. Concierto de Aranjuez går rakt in i mig och kan öppna allt. Därför spelar jag den ofta.

  Antalet våldsbejakande islamistiska   
  extremister i Sverige har ökat        
  de senaste åren enligt Säpo. Men kun- 
  skapen brister bland de myndigheter   
  som arbetar i de städer där det finns 
  flest våldsbejakande extremister /Text TV

Svensk riksdagsledamot

Min kommentar: det brister både här och där. Blåögdheten, inte minst bland unga riksdagsledamöter (som dock talar bra och "fint" i riksdagen direkt från sina manuskrift på pulpeten), är inte bra om man säger så.

onsdag, juni 21, 2017

Sverige av idag

21 juni 2017
Riksgäldens personalansvarsnämnd har beslutat att åtalsanmäla elva medarbetare för skälig misstanke om mutbrott alternativt förskingring på grund av att de mottagit bland annat surfplattor, spelkonsoler och presentkort av en utbildningsleverantör. Ärendena kommer att överlämnas till åklagare.
– Det inträffade är allvarligt och det riskerar att påverka förtroendet för oss som myndighet. Nu är det viktigt att vi tydligt och öppet tar vårt ansvar och vidtar de åtgärder som behövs, säger riksgäldsdirektör Hans Lindblad.
Riksgälden upptäckte misstänkta oegentligheter vid en granskning av fakturor från utbildningsleverantören Labcenter i Sverige AB, som anlitats sedan 2009. Vid granskningen har det uppkommit misstanke om att elva medarbetare i samband med kurser mellan åren 2012 och 2016 privat mottagit bland annat surfplattor, spelkonsoler och presentkort.
Riksgäldens bedömning är att det kan föreligga skälig brottsmisstanke om mutbrott alternativt förskingring. Enligt lagen om offentlig anställning ska Riksgälden anmäla till åklagare om det finns skälig brottsmisstanke mot en anställd (inom ramen för anställningen).
Riksgäldens personalansvarsnämnd beslutade under tisdagen att åtalsanmäla berörda medarbetare och ärendena kommer nu att överlämnas till åklagare.
– Nu är det upp till åklagare att avgöra ärendena. Vi på Riksgälden har att se över våra rutiner för bland annat hur utbildningar bokas och godkänns. Men framför allt måste vi fortsatt jobba internt med etikfrågor och vad det innebär att arbeta på en myndighet i medborgarnas tjänst.

Riksgäldskontoret, även benämnt Riksgälden, är en svensk statlig förvaltningsmyndighet, som sorterar under Finansdepartementet och är statens centrala finansförvaltning. Myndigheten är också garantimyndighet enligt lagen (1995:1571) om insättningsgaranti och lagen (1999:158) om investerarskydd.

Det idiotiska USA (varning för starka bilder)

Days after a police officer was acquitted of all charges in the fatal shooting of Philando Castile, a black motorist in Minnesota, video of the shooting was publicly released on Tuesday for the first time.

Millions of people have seen the immediate aftermath of the shooting because Mr. Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, had livestreamed it on Facebook. But few have seen video of the moments before that, when the shooting actually took place along a suburban street last year.

This video, from a dashboard camera on Officer Jeronimo Yanez’s patrol car, parked right behind Mr. Castile’s car, was played several times this month to jurors during Officer Yanez’s manslaughter trial but had not been shown outside the courtroom.

The video reveals how a mundane conversation about a broken taillight devolved within seconds into gunfire. The newly released footage provides the fullest account yet of an episode that led to a national debate over police conduct toward black people, but it also leaves unanswered critical questions about what happened that day.

FIFA Confederations cup

Ryssland-Portugal 0-1

Fantastisk bra fotbollsmatch. {{{ En fröjd för fotbollsälskaren }}}.
Entusiastisk publik.
Ronaldo (bilden), världens bäste fotbollsspelare just nu, målade.
