Stig Östlund

tisdag, januari 03, 2012

Quadrantid meteor shower

FIRST METEOR SHOWER OF 2012: The annual Quadrantid meteor shower peaks on Wednesday morning, Jan. 4th, when Earth passes through a narrow stream of debris from a comet thought to have broken apart some 500 years ago. The shower is expected to be strong (as many as 100 meteors per hour), but elusive, with a peak that lasts no longer than a couple of hours. The shower's radiant near Polaris favors observers in the northern hemisphere.
Forecasters expect the shower to peak around 07:20 UT (02:20 am EST) on Wednesday morning, January 4th. At maximum, as many as 100 meteors/hour could emerge from a radiant near Polaris, the north star./SpaceWeather
SWEDISH: Om molnfritt i morgon bitti kan vi alltså se meteorregnet Quadrantid (som kommer från asteroiden 2003EH1), och mest "regnande" omkring  kl 08:20 (= 07:20 UTC/GMT). Anm.: '2003' = upptäcktsår 
