Stig Östlund

torsdag, augusti 04, 2011

President Barack Obama turning 50

CHICAGO — For many men, turning 50 can be a day of reckoning, marked by graying hair, a slowing step and the wistful recognition that you are probably never going to make it to the corner office. What could be better, at such a melancholy moment, than to celebrate at home, among old friends?

But if you are already in the corner office, and it’s oval, you get to celebrate your 50th at a fund-raiser in a Chicago ballroom, with Jennifer Hudson singing “Happy Birthday,” Herbie Hancock jamming and 100 “friends” paying $35,800 a plate to commiserate over dinner, while bankrolling your bid to keep your job.


Jennifer Hudson:

Skönt att slippa någon av de kalla, medioka sånglärkorna som översvämmar bl.a. svensk TV, och i stället lyssna till någon som med bl.a. inlevelse kan sjunga.
Tack Jennifer Hudson!
