Stig Östlund

lördag, juli 02, 2011

The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman: Sparks and Guy Maddin Get Saucy With the Swede

There's a new musical going around, and if you're smart you'll establish your international, cross-cultural credibility by touting it early and often. The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman is as unique and wonderful as musical theatre gets: a "what-if" fictional fantasia plopping the celebrated (and moody) Swedish director smack-dab in the hot, sunny horrors of Hollywood, circa 1956. It's sexy, savvy, absurdly catchy, touching, funny as hell, and dazzling in its audacity.
The work, both the 22nd album by the brilliant band Sparks (a.k.a. brothers Ron and Russell Mael) and now a "film-to-be" by Canadian auteur-director Guy Maddin (My Winnipeg, Brand Upon the Brain!), débuted live onstage with full cast last Saturday night as a major highlight of the Los Angeles Film Festival. I spoke with Sparks lead singer Russell Mael just prior to the show, and then attended the sold-out success. First interview, then review.


