Stig Östlund

söndag, juli 03, 2011

Elva döda i mexikanskt oväder

Minst elva personer har omkommit efter att den tropiska stormen Arlene dragit in över Mexiko och dränkt stora delar av landet i häftiga skyfall. Närmare 300 000 har blivit hemlösa. /Svenska Dagbladet

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No development in the tropics this weekend

M. Ressler, Lead Meteorologist, The Weather Channel
Jul 2, 2011 5:20 pm ET
- No new tropical cyclones are expected worldwide over the next few days.
- Some moisture from Arlene's remnants will accompany a general increase in both moisture and widely scattered thunderstorms over the Southwest Sunday and into the upcoming week.
- Arlene's remnants are shifting westward into the eastern Pacific from off the coast of central Mexico.
- The remains of Arlene should not redevelop due to its track over cool water and the unfavorable effects of moderate wind shear aloft.
- Locally heavy rains, flash flooding and some mud slides are possible for parts of southwest Mexico over the weekend.
- Tropical wave in conjunction with an upper-level system brings some heavy rain to Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Leeward Islands this weekend. No development is expected.

Arlene lämnar alltså in och Atlantens nästa tropiska storm, som fått namnet Bret, är att förvänta. Men det är lyckligtvis inget för oss.
