Stig Östlund
tisdag, maj 31, 2011
Första svenska Ehec-dödsfallet
En kvinna som vårdades för ehec-smitta på Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus i Borås har avlidit och de svenska ehec-fallen hade på tisdagseftermiddagen ökat till 41. (Ny version 31/3, kl 15.30)
Den nordtyska ehec-epidemin, som även smittat en lång rad svenskar, krävde på måndagen sitt första svenska dödsoffer, då en kvinna i 50-årsåldern avled på Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus i Borås.
Det uppgav sjukhuset i ett pressmeddelande natten till tisdagen.
Kvinnan hade tagits in för vård på sjukhuset på söndagen.
Antalet svenska ehec-fall som sätts i samband med det aktuella smittoutbrottet i norra Tyskland räknades på tisdageftermiddagen upp till 41, två fler än ett dygn tidigare. Det är Smittskyddsinstitutet som sammanställer rapporterna från landet. Av dessa ehec-patienter rapporteras 15 ha utvecklat komplikationen Hus. Det innebär inga ytterligare fall sedan måndagen.
De publicerade siffrorna från Smittskyddsinstitutet avser de inrapporterade fallen klockan 15 på tisdagen.
Läget för en kvinna i Halland, vilket på måndagen uppgavs vara kritiskt, sades under tisdagen ha stabiliserats, men hon låg kvar för fortsatt intensivvård. Samtidigt rapporterades från Jönköping att också en 45-årig kvinna där tagits in för intensivvård.
En kvinna som vårdades för ehec-smitta på Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus i Borås har avlidit och de svenska ehec-fallen hade på tisdagseftermiddagen ökat till 41. (Ny version 31/3, kl 15.30)
Den nordtyska ehec-epidemin, som även smittat en lång rad svenskar, krävde på måndagen sitt första svenska dödsoffer, då en kvinna i 50-årsåldern avled på Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus i Borås.
Det uppgav sjukhuset i ett pressmeddelande natten till tisdagen.
Kvinnan hade tagits in för vård på sjukhuset på söndagen.
Antalet svenska ehec-fall som sätts i samband med det aktuella smittoutbrottet i norra Tyskland räknades på tisdageftermiddagen upp till 41, två fler än ett dygn tidigare. Det är Smittskyddsinstitutet som sammanställer rapporterna från landet. Av dessa ehec-patienter rapporteras 15 ha utvecklat komplikationen Hus. Det innebär inga ytterligare fall sedan måndagen.
De publicerade siffrorna från Smittskyddsinstitutet avser de inrapporterade fallen klockan 15 på tisdagen.
Läget för en kvinna i Halland, vilket på måndagen uppgavs vara kritiskt, sades under tisdagen ha stabiliserats, men hon låg kvar för fortsatt intensivvård. Samtidigt rapporterades från Jönköping att också en 45-årig kvinna där tagits in för intensivvård.
The Hunt for the Source of Germany's E. Coli Outbreak
Germany's E. coli epidemic, which has killed as many as 15 people so far, has alarmed doctors, who have never seen such an aggressive intestinal bacteria before. Epidemiologists are desperately searching for the origin of the deadly bacteria.
Germany's E. coli epidemic, which has killed as many as 15 people so far, has alarmed doctors, who have never seen such an aggressive intestinal bacteria before. Epidemiologists are desperately searching for the origin of the deadly bacteria.
Cellphones are possibly carcinogenic to human's, agency says
An international panel of experts says cellphones are possibly carcinogenic to humans after reviewing details from dozens of published studies.
The statement was issued in Lyon, France, on Tuesday by the International Agency for Research on Cancer after a weeklong meeting of experts. They reviewed possible links between cancer and the type of electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones, microwaves and radar.
The agency is the cancer arm of the World Health Organization and the assessment now goes to WHO and national health agencies for possible guidance on cellphone use.
The group classified cellphones in category 2B, meaning they are possibly carcinogenic to humans. Other substances in that category include the pesticide DDT and gasoline engine exhaust.
The statement was issued in Lyon, France, on Tuesday by the International Agency for Research on Cancer after a weeklong meeting of experts. They reviewed possible links between cancer and the type of electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones, microwaves and radar.
The agency is the cancer arm of the World Health Organization and the assessment now goes to WHO and national health agencies for possible guidance on cellphone use.
The group classified cellphones in category 2B, meaning they are possibly carcinogenic to humans. Other substances in that category include the pesticide DDT and gasoline engine exhaust.
Messi har kommit hem
Bli Medlem - Republikanska Föreningen
Bli Medlem - Republikanska Föreningen
Republikanska Föreningen är en partipolitiskt och religiöst obunden förening som verkar för införandet av republik på demokratisk väg. För mer information besök webbportalen:
Republikanska Föreningen är en partipolitiskt och religiöst obunden förening som verkar för införandet av republik på demokratisk väg. För mer information besök webbportalen:
Mindestens 14 Menschen sind infolge von EHEC gestorben.
Lite övningar i tyska skadar inte i det närliggande landet i norr; inte minst under orolig gurk- tomat- och saladstid
Ruby will Woody Allens neue Muse sein
Tyska läsövningar emellanåt skadar inte i närliggande landet i norr.
In einem offenen Brief bittet Ruby Rubacuori den amerikanischen Regisseur um eine Filmrolle – und verteilt Seitenhiebe an Carla Bruni.
Heute startet in Mailand der Rubygate-Prozess. Weder Silvio Berlusconi noch Karima El-Mahroug, alias Ruby Rubacuori, werden im Gerichtssaal anwesend sein. Letztere hat sowieso Besseres zu tun:
Sie will Woody Allens neue Muse werden. In einem offenen Brief im italienischen People-Magazin «Oggi» teilt das marokkanische Skandal-Escort-Girl dem Regisseur ihre Verehrung mit. Der Brief ist eine Antwort auf eine Bemerkung, die Woody Allen während des Filmfestivals in Cannes gemacht hatte. Auf die Frage eines Journalisten hatte der Filmemacher die Marokkanerin als «faszinierend» beschrieben und sich gefragt, ob sie vielleicht auch schauspielern könne.
In einem offenen Brief bittet Ruby Rubacuori den amerikanischen Regisseur um eine Filmrolle – und verteilt Seitenhiebe an Carla Bruni.
Heute startet in Mailand der Rubygate-Prozess. Weder Silvio Berlusconi noch Karima El-Mahroug, alias Ruby Rubacuori, werden im Gerichtssaal anwesend sein. Letztere hat sowieso Besseres zu tun:
Sie will Woody Allens neue Muse werden. In einem offenen Brief im italienischen People-Magazin «Oggi» teilt das marokkanische Skandal-Escort-Girl dem Regisseur ihre Verehrung mit. Der Brief ist eine Antwort auf eine Bemerkung, die Woody Allen während des Filmfestivals in Cannes gemacht hatte. Auf die Frage eines Journalisten hatte der Filmemacher die Marokkanerin als «faszinierend» beschrieben und sich gefragt, ob sie vielleicht auch schauspielern könne.
Alexander Skarsgard rejects copycat True Blood scripts
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The hotest celeb stars |
ALEXANDER SKARSGARD has been regularly turning down work since shooting to international fame on TRUE BLOOD, because most of the roles are too similar to his vampire bad guy character in the show.
Guldet skördar nya framgångar
Tilltron till ädelmetallen stärks, guldet blir dyrare. Men orosmolnen är många.
- Det är i synnerhet problemen för Greklands och Irlands skuldsituation som gör att guldpriset stiger, säger Bjarne Shieldrop, analyschef för råvaror på SEB, till DI.
I slutet av april toppnoterades guldet till 1 563 dollar per troy uns, motsvarande 31,1 gram. Den 5 maj föll guldpriset och en troy uns guld var då värd 1 470 dollar.
De senaste två veckorna har guldet återhämtat sig och handlas för närmare 1 540 dollar troy uns.
Förutom oron i Grekland och Irland kan även rädslan för kinesisk inflation vara orsaken till guldpriset ökar. Men det finns flera förklaringsmodeller till varför guldpriset stiger.
- Det är i synnerhet problemen för Greklands och Irlands skuldsituation som gör att guldpriset stiger, säger Bjarne Shieldrop, analyschef för råvaror på SEB, till DI.
I slutet av april toppnoterades guldet till 1 563 dollar per troy uns, motsvarande 31,1 gram. Den 5 maj föll guldpriset och en troy uns guld var då värd 1 470 dollar.
De senaste två veckorna har guldet återhämtat sig och handlas för närmare 1 540 dollar troy uns.
Förutom oron i Grekland och Irland kan även rädslan för kinesisk inflation vara orsaken till guldpriset ökar. Men det finns flera förklaringsmodeller till varför guldpriset stiger.
De stora EU-staterna har stärkt greppet om makten
Ny foskningsrapport från SNS: Sverige och andra små och mdelstora länder förlorar inflytande i EU. De sex största staterna kommer 2014 att ha 63 procent av rösterna.
Främst Tyskland och Frankrike har paradoxalt nog stärkt sitt grepp om makten i unionen under det senaste decenniet.
Dagens Nyheter
Kan detta i alla fall vara något för i EU oengagerade/ointresserade svenskar? Jag tror tyvärr inte det ("det är lugnt" ;)
Främst Tyskland och Frankrike har paradoxalt nog stärkt sitt grepp om makten i unionen under det senaste decenniet.
Dagens Nyheter
Kan detta i alla fall vara något för i EU oengagerade/ointresserade svenskar? Jag tror tyvärr inte det ("det är lugnt" ;)
El Barcelona empezará la pretemporada el 18 de julio
El vestuario blaugrana no volverá al trabajo hasta el 18 de julio, en la que realizará una gira por los Estados Unidos, así como un torneo veraniego en Munich para empezar a preparar la temporada 2011/12, que comenzará con la disputa de la Supercopa de España ante el Real Madrid, el 14 y 17 de agosto. /Marca
/FC Barcelona har nu semester tills den 18 juli/
/FC Barcelona har nu semester tills den 18 juli/
Skall kungen abdikera?
I så fall ersätts han ju av Victoria om inte hela monarkin faller.
Stockholmstanternas Victoria här på besök i...kan det vara Tyskland?

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Hans Majestät |
”I did not have sexual relationship with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”, sade den amerikanska presidenten Bill Clinton när det stormade på 90-talet. Det var ett uttalande som höll på att kosta Clinton presidentskapet, när det senare visade sig att han ljugit.
Den svenska kungen har med måndagens TT-intervju tredubblat insatserna i sin egen förtroendekris. Sanningen avgör vart detta tar vägen.
Ur Dagens Nyheter:
*Dansk kungaexpert: Kristecken att kungen uttalar sig.”
*Republikanska föreningen: Öppnar för debatt om monarkin.
*Rojalistiska nätverket: ”Man försöker få till en abdikation.”
*”Se över kungens immunitet.” S vill inrätta granskningsorgan.
*Lars Ohly: ”Finns anledning kräva insyn i kungahuset.”
*Orla Vigsö, docent i retorik vid Södertörns högskola, tycker att kungen borde talat ut långt tidigare. Vigsö anser att kungen har ett problem att formulera sig.
Ur Dagens Nyheter:
Tror du att kungen nu har berättat hela sanningen?
När 9148 hade svarat:
NEJ = 6894
JA = 2254
Kungen en kris i statsskicket
Carl XVI Gustaf är den enda makthavare som kan vända det ena skandalbladet efter det andra utan krav på avgång. Därmed försätter han det svenska statsskicket i ständig kris. Att vara statschef kan jämföras med rollen som statsminister. Båda är landets främsta makthavare med rollen att representera och stärka Sverige. Det finns dock en avgörande skillnad. Statschefen får sin makt genom arv och kan inte avsättas på grund av dåligt visat omdöme.
I år är det 100 år sedan socialdemokraterna skrev in republik i sitt partiprogram
God reklam för landet (?). Ett par av många artillar i världspressen:
Swedish king flatly denies improprieties, scandal grows
STOCKHOLM (AFP) – Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf gave a rare interview in an attempt to quash a swelling scandal, flatly rejecting media reports he had visited strip clubs and even had indirect contact with organised crime.
In a long interview with the TT news agency published late Monday, Sweden's head of state denied recent reported claims from a former mafia member, Mille Markovic, that he had pictures in his possession showing the king in a sex club in the same shot as two naked women.
"No, it is impossible that they exist," the king insisted, stressing that "it is also difficult to comment on something one has not seen and no one else has seen either."
(Australien) Swedish king fights stripper scandal Following the latest allegations, several polls have shown that a majority of Swedes would like the king to soon abdicate and hand over the throne to Crown Princess Victoria, who has long been far more popular than her father
(Nya Zeeland) Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf gave a rare interview in a bid to quash a swelling scandal, flatly rejecting media reports he had visited strip clubs and ...
Swedish king denies scandal rumors ...
(Canada) Swedish king denies visiting shady clubs, contacts with underworld ...
(Singapore) When asked about claims in the book he had visited several specific strip clubs, the king on Monday was often on the defensive, responding repeatedly with "No," and "I have no idea."...
/Lång artikel, här ett litet utdrag:/ El escándalo se vio amplificado sobre todo por el testimonio de la cantante Camilla Henemark, ex vocalista de una popular banda de pop sueco de la década de los años 80, quien confirmó una supuesta relación sentimental de un año con el monarca. Carlos XVI Gustavo se limitó entonces a decir que "pasaba" página, porque esos asuntos habían ocurrido "hace tiempo", sin desmentir ni confirmar nada
London, May 31 : Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf has denied all reports of alleged visits to strip clubs and having contact with the criminal underworld---
(Köpenhamn) Forfattere: Kong Carl Gustaf lyver
Den svenske konge afviser historier om, at han har været på stripklub. Men kongen lyver, siger bogforfattere
måndag, maj 30, 2011
Puyol opereras
Nästa onsdag skall Puyols vänstra knä opereras. Knät som hindrade Barcas Puyol att spela hela CL-finalen i lördags.
Swedish king denies allegations in unauthorized biography
Stockholm - Swedish King Carl Gustaf late Monday broke his silence to deny allegations about him in an uanuthorized biography - including allegations there were incriminating photographs of him.
'No, there aren't any,' the king said in an interview with the Swedish news agency TT, the only media granted an interview. 'Itis hard to comment something one has not seen, and no one else has.'
According to the controversial biography, Carl XVI Gustaf - The Unwilling Monarch, published last year, he had risked his security and image by attending private parties at sleazy nightclubs, and strip clubs.
The allegations resurfaced in a new book, The Swedish Godfather, claiming that friends of the king had contacted criminals in a bid to buy incriminating photographs from the owner of the nightclub where some of the parties were staged.
A week ago, one friend of the king, Anders Lettstrom, admitted responsibility and apologized to his 'family, friends and not the least the king since they had been harmed by my initiative.'
The king on Monday admitted the affair has 'harmed me, my family and the Swedish monarchy' and distanced himself from his old friend.
Excerpts of the interview, which was also videotaped, were broadcast on Swedish television. The king also denied having been to two strip clubs mentioned in the book.
The king's approval ratings have slumped in the wake of headlines generated by the book and two recent polls, one published at the weekend, suggested a majority of Swedes favour him handing over to Crown Princess Victoria.
The king, who turned 65 in April, said this was not on the cards, and that he was committed to 'working even harder'.
Swedish King Denies Scandal Rumors in Interview
STOCKHOLM-- Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf has rejected rumors that he visited seedy night clubs and had mob contacts in an usual interview with domestic news agency TT.
The 65-year-old figurehead monarch popularity has been sagging since the release of a book last year that made salacious claims about his private life.
The scandal grew in recent weeks after one of the king's friends, Anders Lettstrom, admitted making contact with a reputed gangland figure to find out more about the material presented in the book.
In Monday's interview the king condemned Lettstrom's actions and said he had acted without the king's knowledge.
Muslim girl, 19, 'stoned to death after taking taking part in beauty contest'
By Will Stewart
Last updated at 4:48 PM on 30th May 2011
A teenage Muslim girl was stoned to death under 'Sharia law' after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.
Katya Koren, 19, was found dead in a village in the Crimea region near her home.
Friends said she liked wearing fashionable clothes and had come seventh in a beauty contest. Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared
Police have opened a murder probe and are investigating claims that three Muslim youths killed her claiming her death was justified under Islam.
One of the three - named as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev - is under arrest and told police she had 'violated the laws of Sharia'.
Gaziev said he had no regrets about her death because she had violated the laws of Islam.
Somalier är den största gruppen av asylsökande i Sverige och har samtidigt högst arbetslöshetssiffra, mindre än 30 procent är sysselsatta. Analfabetismen är utbredd och generellt är somalierna sämst integrerade
Space Shuttle Endeavour Returns to Earth for Final Time Wednesday
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- Space shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to return to Earth for the final time on Wednesday, June 1, completing a 16-day mission to outfit the International Space Station. If Endeavour lands Wednesday, it will have spent 299 days in space and traveled more than 122.8 million miles during its 25 flights. /NASA
Swansea reach Premier League thanks to Scott Sinclair hat-trick
It was a long haul to glory. After 48 matches in the Championship and play-offs Swansea had to resist a Reading recovery from 3-0 down at half-time in the 49th. They held on for a time after Brian McDermott's side had scored twice before striking again to secure a 4-2 win. They did so, above all, because of a hat-trick from Scott Sinclair, who was once a prodigy at Chelsea./The Guardian
Box Office: 'Hangover,' 'Kung Fu Panda' sequels break Memorial Day weekend record
Los Angeles Times
May 30, 2011 9:14 a.m.
"The Hangover Part II" grossed a phenomenal $137.4 million from Thursday to Monday in North America, according to an estimate from distributor Warner Bros.
The weekend's other new movie in wide release, the 3-D animated film "Kung Fu Panda 2," raked in a so-so $68 million.
Those grosses were enough to help push the overall weekend tally to $280 million, breaking the 2007 Friday-through-Monday record of $255 million and blowing by 2010's paltry $192.7 million take.
May 30, 2011 9:14 a.m.
"The Hangover Part II" grossed a phenomenal $137.4 million from Thursday to Monday in North America, according to an estimate from distributor Warner Bros.
The weekend's other new movie in wide release, the 3-D animated film "Kung Fu Panda 2," raked in a so-so $68 million.
Those grosses were enough to help push the overall weekend tally to $280 million, breaking the 2007 Friday-through-Monday record of $255 million and blowing by 2010's paltry $192.7 million take.
Nuclear Phaseout Is an 'Historic Moment'
Angela Merkel's government has decided to phase out nuclear power by 2022, in a reversal of its previous policy. German commentators are split over the wisdom of the decision, with one newspaper comparing the move to the fall of the Berlin Wall and another saying it will harm future generations.
The government's new plan is broadly based on recommendations by an ethics commission that Merkel set up after Fukushima to study the future of nuclear energy in Germany. Critics claimed that the chancellor only set up the panel to lend legitimacy to her sudden about-turn on nuclear power, which was widely seen as an electioneering tactic ahead of a key state election.
The conservative Die Welt
"The nuclear phaseout marks a creeping rejection of the economic model which has transformed Germany into one of the richest countries in the world in recent decades. ... What will the new energy age cost us Germans in terms of money and jobs? And are we completely indifferent to the risk of a major power outage? Just recently, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance warned that Germany is totally unprepared for a large-scale blackout."
The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:
"The ethics commission had been given the task of 'reevaluating' the risks of nuclear energy. But by 'reevaluate,' what was meant was that the slightest possibility of a nuclear accident similar to the one in Fukushima -- no matter how unlikely -- was now to be classified as unacceptable. What is being ignored in the process is the fact that each form of energy is associated with incalculable risks."
"It took humanity a hundred years to realize the dangers that burning fossil fuels pose to the environment and to people's health. The harmful effects of an overhasty energy revolution will be mainly felt in economic and social terms -- and it is future generations that will be affected."
The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:
"The ethics commission has looked far beyond the nuclear phaseout itself. The group has focused less on shutting down reactors and more on the process that such a phaseout would trigger. After all, simply taking the nuclear plants offline is not enough by itself."
In an editorial titled "A Moment Like the Fall of the Berlin Wall," the left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:
"Usually one does not recognize historic moments if one is too close to them. It's a label that should be used sparingly in any case. But this is one: An industrialized country now has a roadmap for switching to a sustainable energy supply, moving beyond dangerous and expensive nuclear power and dirty coal. That has never happened before. It is a step in the right direction -- and the world is watching."
"The interesting question is whether this government will take the ethic commission's recommendations to heart. From a political and economic perspective, the report gives it all the ammunition it needs to act. In terms of domestic politics, Angela Merkel cannot retreat now, given her sudden violent aversion to nuclear power. And the new direction also makes sense in terms of party politics: Only a business-oriented conservative government can pull off such a revolution, because the loudest opponents are within its own ranks. ... Only Merkel's center-right administration can phase out nuclear power without Germany descending into a crippling conflict."
Angela Merkel's government has decided to phase out nuclear power by 2022, in a reversal of its previous policy. German commentators are split over the wisdom of the decision, with one newspaper comparing the move to the fall of the Berlin Wall and another saying it will harm future generations.
The government's new plan is broadly based on recommendations by an ethics commission that Merkel set up after Fukushima to study the future of nuclear energy in Germany. Critics claimed that the chancellor only set up the panel to lend legitimacy to her sudden about-turn on nuclear power, which was widely seen as an electioneering tactic ahead of a key state election.
The conservative Die Welt
"The nuclear phaseout marks a creeping rejection of the economic model which has transformed Germany into one of the richest countries in the world in recent decades. ... What will the new energy age cost us Germans in terms of money and jobs? And are we completely indifferent to the risk of a major power outage? Just recently, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance warned that Germany is totally unprepared for a large-scale blackout."
The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:
"The ethics commission had been given the task of 'reevaluating' the risks of nuclear energy. But by 'reevaluate,' what was meant was that the slightest possibility of a nuclear accident similar to the one in Fukushima -- no matter how unlikely -- was now to be classified as unacceptable. What is being ignored in the process is the fact that each form of energy is associated with incalculable risks."
"It took humanity a hundred years to realize the dangers that burning fossil fuels pose to the environment and to people's health. The harmful effects of an overhasty energy revolution will be mainly felt in economic and social terms -- and it is future generations that will be affected."
The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:
"The ethics commission has looked far beyond the nuclear phaseout itself. The group has focused less on shutting down reactors and more on the process that such a phaseout would trigger. After all, simply taking the nuclear plants offline is not enough by itself."
In an editorial titled "A Moment Like the Fall of the Berlin Wall," the left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:
"Usually one does not recognize historic moments if one is too close to them. It's a label that should be used sparingly in any case. But this is one: An industrialized country now has a roadmap for switching to a sustainable energy supply, moving beyond dangerous and expensive nuclear power and dirty coal. That has never happened before. It is a step in the right direction -- and the world is watching."
"The interesting question is whether this government will take the ethic commission's recommendations to heart. From a political and economic perspective, the report gives it all the ammunition it needs to act. In terms of domestic politics, Angela Merkel cannot retreat now, given her sudden violent aversion to nuclear power. And the new direction also makes sense in terms of party politics: Only a business-oriented conservative government can pull off such a revolution, because the loudest opponents are within its own ranks. ... Only Merkel's center-right administration can phase out nuclear power without Germany descending into a crippling conflict."
Uppmaning om vaksamhet
Michael Lövtrup Tyskland upplever just nu ett stort utbrott av EHEC, med troligtvis flera tusen drabbade. Efter att fall av EHEC som misstänks ha smittats i Tyskland upptäckts i Sverige uppmanar Smittskyddsinstitutet till extra vaksamhet.
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Foto: dpa Darüber spricht ganz Deutschland: Das tödliche Bakterium EHEC, aufgenommen vom Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung vom Wissenschaftler Manfred Rohde /Die Welt |
Tyskland, främst de norra delarna, upplever just nu ett stort utbrott av EHEC (enterohemorragisk E coli-infektion). Sedan slutet av april har 214 fall rapporterats av hemolytiskt uremiskt syndrom, HUS, en allvarlig komplikation som kan drabba EHEC-smittade. Tre personer har hittills avlidit.
Bo Svenungsson, överläkare vid Smittskydd Stockholm, säger att det rör sig om ett av de största utbrotten av EHEC någonsin och bedömer att antalet smittade totalt kan röra sig om flera tusen.
– Man räknar med att tio procent av dem som drabbas får HUS, så det måste vara många fler fall.
De senaste dagarna har man även i Sverige börjat se en ökning av patienter med hemolytiskt uremiskt syndrom som troligtvis smittats i Tyskland. Fallen rapporteras från olika delar av landet. Smittskyddsinstitutet uppmanar därför vården nu att vara särskilt vaksam på patienter som söker vård för EHEC-symtom som (blodig) diarré och buksmärtor och som rest i Tyskland under maj.
Utmärkande för utbrottet i Tyskland är att ovanligt många vuxna, framför allt kvinnor, fått svåra symtom, vilket annars är vanligast hos barn. Bo Svenungsson beskriver i en kommande artikel i LT just ett allvarligt fall av EHEC hos en vuxen kvinnlig patient. Han betonar att det är viktigt att man som läkare frågar alla patienter som kommer med symtom på magsjuka om de har varit i Tyskland. Dessa personer ska snarast erbjudas provtagning för EHEC.
– Det är också viktigt att man frågar efter EHEC på remissen till labbet. EHEC hör inte till det man letar efter rutinmässigt i avföringsodling.
Smittskyddsinstitutet kartlägger tillsammans med smittskyddsenheterna smittvägarna för de svenska fallen.
Myndigheter i Tyskland har identifierat gurkor från Spanien som en källa till smittan. Smittskyddsinstitutets råd till allmänheten i Sverige är att vara noggrann med att skölja grönsaker och att inte äta kött som inte tillagats ordentligt.
OléTeVe | ¿Qué gol te gusta más de Messi?
Click (olika Messi-mål) >> OléTeVe ¿Qué gol te gusta más de Messi?
OléTeVe | Los argentinos en la Champions League.
Click (argentinare i Champions League) >> OléTeVe Los argentinos en la Champions League.
Förbättrad vaccin?
Isconova ska esta adjuvansen (x) Matrix M, som tillsätts för att förbättra och förlänga effekten av vaccin.
Totalt 110 personer kommer att ingå i studien. Försökspersonerna består av äldre människor som på grund av nedsatt immunförsvar ofta inte får tillräckligt skydd av dagens influensavacciner.
Syftet är att utvärdera effekt och säkerhet av bolagets adjuvans, Matrix M, då den ges för att förhöja effekten av befintliga vacciner mot säsongsinfluensa.
Adjuvansen Matrix M testades för första gången på människa under en fas I-studie med fågelinfluensa-vaccin under 2009. Kriterierna för effekt uppnåddes i studien och resultaten ligger till grund för studien på säsongsinfluensa.
Isconova är ett forsknings- och utvecklingsföretag som utvecklar teknik som förbättrar vacciners effekt och varaktighet. Sedan 2005 har de produkter ute på veterinärmarknaden men börsnoterades i höstas för att få in finansiering till att utveckla företaget på humanmarknaden.
(x) = Adjuvans är inom farmakologin medel som förbättrar effekten av ett annat läkemedel eller behandling. Adjuvans förekommer bland annat i vacciner där det höjer vaccinets förmåga att bilda antikroppar /Wikipedia
Se också >>
Piqué: "Ni nos drogamos, ni nos tiramos, ni compramos a los árbitros"
Durante la celebración de la Liga de Campeones lograda ante el Manchester United en Wembley, Piqué dejó muy claro que ellos "ni nos drogamos, ni nos tiramos, ni compramos a los árbitros, sólo jugamos al fútbol", tratando de acabar con las polémicas de las últimas fechas.
/Piqué under firandet i Barcelona igår: Vi var inte drogade, vi hade inte köpt domaren... vi spelade bara fotboll./
Piques flickvän - åtminstone tills idag på morgonen - Shakira dansar i en fontän i Barcelona och filmas vilket myndighaterna inte sägs gilla:
A video posted on YouTube could cost Shakira a fine say sources at the Barcelona city council. Barcelona authorities are evaluating whether to fine Shakira for dancing with her fans in a fountain and driving a Harley Davidson without a helmet.
Shakira is currently in Barcelona filming her latest videclip. The Columbian singer was dancing in the fountain by Pla de Palau when fans joined her. The whole spectacle was filmed and photographed and a video has been posted on YouTube.
Barcelona authorities say the singer “did not even ask for permission to film” and suggest there may be a possibility of fining the singer.
The city council has complained that Shakira “does not lead by example” being “a public person” and “when asking for permission in Barcelona, you can take this kind of footage without problems.” “We will analyze the images to detect infringementss that have been committed during the recording of the spot.”
The authorities will assess the YouTube video and could punish “those responsible.”/Spain News
/Piqué under firandet i Barcelona igår: Vi var inte drogade, vi hade inte köpt domaren... vi spelade bara fotboll./
Piques flickvän - åtminstone tills idag på morgonen - Shakira dansar i en fontän i Barcelona och filmas vilket myndighaterna inte sägs gilla:
A video posted on YouTube could cost Shakira a fine say sources at the Barcelona city council. Barcelona authorities are evaluating whether to fine Shakira for dancing with her fans in a fountain and driving a Harley Davidson without a helmet.
Shakira is currently in Barcelona filming her latest videclip. The Columbian singer was dancing in the fountain by Pla de Palau when fans joined her. The whole spectacle was filmed and photographed and a video has been posted on YouTube.
Barcelona authorities say the singer “did not even ask for permission to film” and suggest there may be a possibility of fining the singer.
The city council has complained that Shakira “does not lead by example” being “a public person” and “when asking for permission in Barcelona, you can take this kind of footage without problems.” “We will analyze the images to detect infringementss that have been committed during the recording of the spot.”
The authorities will assess the YouTube video and could punish “those responsible.”/Spain News
Stars and Stripes
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US soldiers in Afghanistan mark Memorial Day
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Clashes erupt in Belgrade to protest Mladic arrest
Germany decides to abandon nuclear power by 2022
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Shuttle Endeavour leaves space station for last time
Space shuttle Endeavour is on its way home. It undocked from the International Space Station late Sunday night, ending nearly two weeks of joint flight. Endeavour is due back on Earth early Wednesday.
Rebuilding after tornadoes: two designs that could save lives in another storm
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Clashes erupt in Belgrade to protest Mladic arrest
Protesters throwing stones and bottles clashed with baton-wielding riot police Sunday in Belgrade after several thousand Serbian nationalist supporters of jailed war-crimes suspect Ratko Mladic rallied outside the parliament building to demand his release.
Germany decides to abandon nuclear power by 2022
AP source: Obama picks new US ambassador to Russia
E. coli cucumbers might be in Austria, Hungary
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Thousands of pets left behind in restricted zone near nuclear power plant
It’s a daily struggle for those left behind. Their yelps go unanswered as they roam aimlessly in search of scraps of food. They fend for themselves in the restricted zone surrounding the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, not knowing when — or even if — their human companions will return.
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Iraqi leader reconsiders U.S. troop withdrawal
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Syria to end nuclear secrecy
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e t c >>
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In May 1945, Stars and Stripes announces Hitler's death. |
Stars and Stripes is a news source that operates from inside the United States Department of Defense but is editorially separate from it. The First Amendment protection which Stars and Stripes enjoys is safeguarded by Congress to whom an independent ombudsman, who serves the readers' interests, regularly reports. In addition to its website, Stars and Stripes reports on matters affecting military service members and publishes five daily newspaper editions for the United States Armed Forces serving overseas. The European, Mideast, Okinawa, Japan, and Korea editions are also available as free downloads in electronic format and seven digital editions.The newspaper has its headquarters in Washington, DC.
"This morning (May 29) I pointed my solar telescope through a gap in the clouds to look at the new 'hot-spot' on the sun - AR11226," reports Pete Lawrence of Selsey, UK. "Wow! I'm glad I did. The bright flaring regions within the sunspot group are incredible." Caught in mid-erupton, the active region nearly saturated his camera:
"A white light image of the region shows the underlying sunspot complex," says Lawrence. "Impressive!"
Sunspot 1226 is the most active of several sunspots now emerging across the solar disk. It is crackling with C-class solar flares, and NOAA forecasters say there is a 40% chance of even stronger M-flares during the next 24 hours. Stay tuned /Space Weather
Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink
Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach, according to unpublished estimates from the
International Energy Agency.
/The Guardian
Man får väl hålla något nytt stormöte á la Köpenhamn igen ;)
Klaga inte på svensk tågtrafik, den är relativt bra för att inte säga mycket bra
Hundreds of rail passengers fled in terror when dozens of deadly snakes were found on a train travelling from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi in Vietnam.
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Nu har vi bevis, han var egentligen en hyvens till ordförande. Synd att han måste lämna SJ. Inga livsfarliga ormar här inte; bara hala ålar. (Hoppas att jag har ormulerat mig korrekt) |
Det poppar upp protester mot åtstramningar, korruption och hög arbetslöshet lite varstans i Europa.
Och det är främst ungdomar som engagerar sig.
Och det är främst ungdomar som engagerar sig.
söndag, maj 29, 2011
Dan Wheldon wins Indy 500
Wheldon wins the 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 as leader JR Hildebrand crashes on Turn 4 of the final lap.
La Liga 2010/2011
1 Barcelona
Sammanlagt: 38 spelade 30 vunna 6 oavgjorda 2 förlorade 95-21 i målkvot 96 poäng
Hemmaplan: 19 16 2 1 46-10 50
Bortaplan: 19 14 4 1 49-11 46
2 R. Madrid
Sammanlagft: 38 spelade 29 vunna 5 oavgjorda 4 förlorade 102-33 i målkvot 92 poäng
Hemmaplan: 19 16 1 2 61-12 49
Bortaplan: 19 13 4 2 41-21 43
3 Valencia
Sammanlagt: 38 spelade 21vunna 8 oavgjorda 9 förlorade 64-44 i målkvot 71 poäng
Hemmaplan: 19 10 5 4 34-21 35
Bortaplan: 19 11 3 5 30-23 36
4 Villarreal
Sammanlagt: 38 spelade 18 vunna 8 oavgjorda 12 förlorade 54-44 i målkvot 62 poäng
Hemmaplan: 19 13 3 3 33-14 42
Bortaplan: 19 5 5 9 21-30 20
Svensk mobilexpert utreds
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Anders Ahlbom (skummis) |
Anders Ahlbom är professor i epidemiologi vid Karolinska institutet och är en av de mest inflytelserika internationella experterna vad gäller strålning från mobiltelefoner. Men han är också kontroversiell och har skaffat sig arga kritiker eftersom han hävdar att strålningen är nästan helt ofarlig.
Sparkar och slag i Stockholm
Somalier stal mobil. Detta utlöste bråk i Stockholm för några dagar sedan.
Det rör på sig i Svedala.
Det rör på sig i Svedala.
Att åldras - Getting old
Ålderdomens behag äro mångahanda. Det största ligger i känslan att det icke är långt kvar till aftonen, då man får klä av sig och lägga sig; att man icke behöver stiga upp och klä på sig. Kroppens avtagande i kraft minskar motståndet mot själens fria rörelser; intresset för det timliga avtager; ögat börjar se i fågelperspektiv; stora bagateller läggas ut i förminskad skala, gamla värden omtaxeras, allt upplevat ligger som en ströbänk under ens fötter och man står och växer mitt i sitt förgångna; man har funnit en konstant mitt bland alla variabler, och det är livet: livets ostadighet, allts förgänglighet, allts föränderlighet. Allt upprepar sig; det gives knappast överaskningar; man vet allt förut, väntar ingen bättring, bedrages icke av falska förhoppningar, begär ingenting av mänskorna, varken tacksamhet, trohet eller kärlek, bara lite sällskap i ensamheten. Blir man bedragen, tycker man det hör till pjäsen, och det tröstar en att så sker. emedan det bekräftar ens mening, som man ick önskar vederlagt. Man blir slutligen en glad pessimist, och när man vid upptäckten av ett nytt svek får säga: Si där, va sa jag? så är det ett riktigt nöje.
Norrrlandsättlingen August Strindberg (ur En blå bok)
Textinnehållets tillförlitlighet intygas:
Stig, Norrlänning och en glad pessimist
Getting old:
Norrrlandsättlingen August Strindberg (ur En blå bok)
Textinnehållets tillförlitlighet intygas:
Stig, Norrlänning och en glad pessimist
Getting old:
French Open
11 am: "Good morning my lords, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to day eight of the 2011 French Open. Day eight already? Time flies! We have the second half of the third round today featuring a Swiss derby between Federer and Wawrinka, a Russian one between Zvonareva and Pavlyuchenkova, a "seed derby" between no.7 and no.9 when Ferrer takes on Monfils and of course Gasquet versus Djokovic - Ritchie faced Federer (win) and Nadal (loss) in Rome, what can he do here in Paris in front of a partisan crowd?".
Raw Video: Obama Returns to US From Europe
President Barack Obama is back in Washington after a six-day trip to Europe. His last stop was Poland, where he said even in tough economic times, it's important for America to provide leadership on freedom, democracy and human rights. (May 28)
Obama's European tour a show of 'solidarity'
U.S. President Barack Obama returned to Washington Saturday after a six-day European tour, during which he put on a show of "solidarity" while trans-Atlantic divergence may still run deep.
Trying to forge a unified position on the unrestive Middle East and North Africa was high on Obama' agenda while he was in Europe, especially because the trip started only three days after his major policy speech on those issues.
The United States has vital interests in that region while Europeans are sensitive to the developments there given the geographic proximity.
After a two-day summit in the northern French resort of Deauville, Obama and other leaders of the G8 industrialized nations pledged 20 billion U.S. dollars in aid to Egypt and Tunisia through 2013 for their "suitable reform efforts."
Of the total, 10 billion dollars would come from oil-rich Gulf states, while the United States, Britain and France have pledged their respective shares in the rest.
But with Europe's ongoing sovereign debt crisis and the ballooning U.S. deficits, it remains unclear how the West could actually honor those commitments.
Nevertheless, by putting on a show of "solidarity," Obama hoped it could ease Europeans'concerns over a supposed U.S. tendency to tilt foreign policy focus from old allies toward Asia and Latin America.
But a more urgent need may come from Washington's eagerness to shift some of its foreign policy burdens to the Europeans.
So, when addressing both houses of British Parliament, Obama asserted that even as more nations take on the responsibilities of global leadership, it was up to the United States, Britain and their European allies to lead at a time when the world was being tested by economic turmoil, unrest in the Arab world, terrorism, climate change and nonproliferation.
"We remain the greatest catalysts for global action," he said. "The time for our leadership is now."
And in a Times article co-penned with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Obama laid emphasis on the unique status of bilateral relations, as Britain has followed the U.S. lead in the past decade in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
"Not just special, but an essential relationship," they wrote. "It's not only history that binds us. Whether fighting wars or rebuilding the economy, our needs and beliefs are the same."
The Financial Times said in an editorial that despite "loose talk of the diminishing specialness of the Anglo-American relationship," the two countries'interests "are aligned on the most pressing questions" like Afghanistan, Libya and Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Obama began his European tour in debt-laden Ireland, where he delivered his campaign slogan "Yes we can" in Gaelic to the roaring approval of 30,000 audience in the center of Dublin.
"The president and his message of hope are the tonic that Ireland, and much of Europe, badly needs," the Economist magazine wrote. "Mr. Obama realizes, like others before him, that the old allies are still the more reliable friends."
And in Poland, Obama tried to show that Washington still cares about the interests of its Eastern and Central European allies with renewed promise to deepen security ties.
The White House said Obama has endorsed legislation cosponsored by several U.S. lawmakers that would reform how countries qualify for the U.S. visa waiver program to ensure that "strong allies like Poland get proper consideration."
Eastern and Central Europeans have complained since the start of the "reset policy" with Moscow that Obama has ignored their interests in favor of accommodating Russia.
By addressing two areas of vital concern to the Poles -- the U.S. visa waiver program and defense cooperation, Obama signaled "a renewed commitment" to working with Poland as a strategic ally in Europe, and in turn sent a signal to the region as a whole, said experts at U.S. think tank Atlantic Council.
At a dinner co-hosted with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski Friday evening for some 20 leaders from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Obama reaffirmed commitments to the security of those nations.
Source: Xinhua
Trying to forge a unified position on the unrestive Middle East and North Africa was high on Obama' agenda while he was in Europe, especially because the trip started only three days after his major policy speech on those issues.
The United States has vital interests in that region while Europeans are sensitive to the developments there given the geographic proximity.
After a two-day summit in the northern French resort of Deauville, Obama and other leaders of the G8 industrialized nations pledged 20 billion U.S. dollars in aid to Egypt and Tunisia through 2013 for their "suitable reform efforts."
Of the total, 10 billion dollars would come from oil-rich Gulf states, while the United States, Britain and France have pledged their respective shares in the rest.
But with Europe's ongoing sovereign debt crisis and the ballooning U.S. deficits, it remains unclear how the West could actually honor those commitments.
Nevertheless, by putting on a show of "solidarity," Obama hoped it could ease Europeans'concerns over a supposed U.S. tendency to tilt foreign policy focus from old allies toward Asia and Latin America.
But a more urgent need may come from Washington's eagerness to shift some of its foreign policy burdens to the Europeans.
So, when addressing both houses of British Parliament, Obama asserted that even as more nations take on the responsibilities of global leadership, it was up to the United States, Britain and their European allies to lead at a time when the world was being tested by economic turmoil, unrest in the Arab world, terrorism, climate change and nonproliferation.
"We remain the greatest catalysts for global action," he said. "The time for our leadership is now."
And in a Times article co-penned with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Obama laid emphasis on the unique status of bilateral relations, as Britain has followed the U.S. lead in the past decade in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.
"Not just special, but an essential relationship," they wrote. "It's not only history that binds us. Whether fighting wars or rebuilding the economy, our needs and beliefs are the same."
The Financial Times said in an editorial that despite "loose talk of the diminishing specialness of the Anglo-American relationship," the two countries'interests "are aligned on the most pressing questions" like Afghanistan, Libya and Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Obama began his European tour in debt-laden Ireland, where he delivered his campaign slogan "Yes we can" in Gaelic to the roaring approval of 30,000 audience in the center of Dublin.
"The president and his message of hope are the tonic that Ireland, and much of Europe, badly needs," the Economist magazine wrote. "Mr. Obama realizes, like others before him, that the old allies are still the more reliable friends."
And in Poland, Obama tried to show that Washington still cares about the interests of its Eastern and Central European allies with renewed promise to deepen security ties.
The White House said Obama has endorsed legislation cosponsored by several U.S. lawmakers that would reform how countries qualify for the U.S. visa waiver program to ensure that "strong allies like Poland get proper consideration."
Eastern and Central Europeans have complained since the start of the "reset policy" with Moscow that Obama has ignored their interests in favor of accommodating Russia.
By addressing two areas of vital concern to the Poles -- the U.S. visa waiver program and defense cooperation, Obama signaled "a renewed commitment" to working with Poland as a strategic ally in Europe, and in turn sent a signal to the region as a whole, said experts at U.S. think tank Atlantic Council.
At a dinner co-hosted with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski Friday evening for some 20 leaders from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Obama reaffirmed commitments to the security of those nations.
Source: Xinhua
Bin Hammam pulls out of FIFA race
Consulta el perfil del técnico del Barça
Pep Guardiola
Fecha y lugar de nacim.: 18 de enero de 1971,Sampedor, Barcelona (España)
Peso: 70 kg
Altura: 1.80 m
Como jugador:
■1 Liga de Campeones con el Barcelona (91-92)
■2 Supercopa de Europa con el Barcelona (92 y 97)
■1 Recopa de Europa con el Barcelona (97)
■6 Ligas españolas con el Barcelona (90-91, 91-92, 92-93, 93-94, 97-98, 98-99)
■4 Supercopas de España con el Barcelona (91, 92, 94 y 96)
■2 Copa del Rey con el Barcelona (97 y 98)
■Medalla de Oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona (1992)
Como entrenador:
■1 Liga de Campeones con el Barcelona (2008-09)
■1 Supercopa de Europa con el Barcelona (2009)
■2 Ligas españolas con el Barcelona (08-09 y 09-10)
■2 Supercopas de España con el Barcelona (2009 y 2010)
■1 Copa del Rey con el Barcelona (08-09)
■1 Mundial de clubes (2009)
■Premio IHFFS al Mejor Entrenador del año 2009
Fecha y lugar de nacim.: 18 de enero de 1971,Sampedor, Barcelona (España)
Peso: 70 kg
Altura: 1.80 m
Como jugador:
■1 Liga de Campeones con el Barcelona (91-92)
■2 Supercopa de Europa con el Barcelona (92 y 97)
■1 Recopa de Europa con el Barcelona (97)
■6 Ligas españolas con el Barcelona (90-91, 91-92, 92-93, 93-94, 97-98, 98-99)
■4 Supercopas de España con el Barcelona (91, 92, 94 y 96)
■2 Copa del Rey con el Barcelona (97 y 98)
■Medalla de Oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona (1992)
Como entrenador:
■1 Liga de Campeones con el Barcelona (2008-09)
■1 Supercopa de Europa con el Barcelona (2009)
■2 Ligas españolas con el Barcelona (08-09 y 09-10)
■2 Supercopas de España con el Barcelona (2009 y 2010)
■1 Copa del Rey con el Barcelona (08-09)
■1 Mundial de clubes (2009)
■Premio IHFFS al Mejor Entrenador del año 2009
Sevärda idrottshändelser - direktsända på TV idag
SVT1 kl 15:10 Handboll; bronsmatch Champions League
SVT2 kl 18:00 Handboll; final Champions League
TV10 kl 20:55 Fotboll; final Italienska cupen
EUROSPORT kl 11:00 resp 17:30 Tennis, Franska mästerskapen
VIASAT FOTBOLL kl 20:55 Fotboll; Ligue 1
CANAL+ 1 SPORT 1 kl 12:25 Fotboll Holländska ligan. Kl 23:05 och 01:15 Argentinska ligan (01:15 Olimpo-River Plate).
SVT2 kl 18:00 Handboll; final Champions League
TV10 kl 20:55 Fotboll; final Italienska cupen
EUROSPORT kl 11:00 resp 17:30 Tennis, Franska mästerskapen
VIASAT FOTBOLL kl 20:55 Fotboll; Ligue 1
CANAL+ 1 SPORT 1 kl 12:25 Fotboll Holländska ligan. Kl 23:05 och 01:15 Argentinska ligan (01:15 Olimpo-River Plate).
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- May 30, 2011
- Sport in brief - Monday (World News Australia) -
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- Äntligen
- Dan Wheldon wins Indy 500
- La Liga 2010/2011
- Svensk mobilexpert utreds
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- Att åldras - Getting old
- French Open
- ehec
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- Obama's European tour a show of 'solidarity'
- Bin Hammam pulls out of FIFA race
- Consulta el perfil del técnico del Barça
- Sevärda idrottshändelser - direktsända på TV idag
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