Stig Östlund

lördag, april 09, 2011

Chemical Bond Between Cloves and Nutmeg -- Chemistry Now

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Chemical Bond Between Cloves and Nutmeg

This episode focuses on chemical bonds by profiling eugenol and isoeugenol, two molecules with identical molecular structures except for the placement of one double bond--a difference that makes eugenol responsible for the flavor and aroma of cloves, and isoeugenol responsible for the taste and smell of nutmeg.
Credit: NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Vi (jag) lär oss (mig) bl.a. nya engelska ord
Cloves 'kryddnejlika'
Nutmeg 'muskot'
Eugenol 'eugenol' allt och lite till som man bör veta om eugenol/isoeugenol finns på den intressanta sidan:
