Stig Östlund

torsdag, mars 10, 2011

Obama Asks for $90 Million in Education Technology Budget

America is losing the education race, according to Washington D.C. officials, as children all over the world from other countries are learning more about science and technology in school.

In his 2012 fiscal budget, President Barack Obama allocated $90 million in the education technology budget, a move that he hopes will ignite change in school and drive American students down the path of innovation and invention. The money will help the United States education system catch up with other parts of the world, including China, that have been leading the education and technology race.

“Technology has transformed how folks do business; it’s transformed how folks interact socially,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a recent article. “But technology, frankly, hasn’t had that kind of impact on the education space yet.”

For a few months now, Obama has been turning his attention to China, particularly after Chinese bureaucrats rolled out a blueprint for how to make their country a global technology powerhouse by 2020.
