Following are key targets of the draft:
Economic targets
-- GDP to grow by 7 percent annually on average;
-- More than 45 million jobs to be created in urban areas;
-- Urban registered unemployment to be kept no higher than 5 percent;
-- Prices to be kept generally stable.
Economic restructuring
-- Rise in domestic consumption;
-- Breakthrough in emerging strategic industries;
-- Service sector value-added output to account for 47 percent of GDP, up 4 percentage points;
-- Urbanization rate to reach 51.5 percent, up 4 percentage points.
-- Expenditure on research and development to account for 2.2 percent GDP;
-- Every 10,000 people to have 3.3 patents.
Environment &clean energy
-- Non-fossil fuel to account for 11.4 percent of primary energy consumption;
-- Water consumption per unit of value-added industrial output to be cut by 30 percent;
-- Energy consumption per unit of GDP to be cut by 16 percent;
-- Carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP to be cut by 17 percent;
-- Forest coverage rate to rise to 21.66 percent and forest stock to increase by 600 million cubic meters;
-- Annual grain production capacity to be no less than 540 million tones;
-- Farmland reserves to be no less than 1.818 billion mu.
-- Population to be no larger than 1.39 billion;
-- Life span per person to increase by one year;
-- Pension schemes to cover all rural residents and 357 million urban residents;
-- Construction and Renovation of 36 million apartments for low-income families;
-- Minimum wage standard to increase by no less than 13 percent on average each year;
Social management
-- Improved public service for both urban and rural residents;
-- Improved democracy and legal system;
-- Better social management system for greater social harmony;
-- More than 10 percent of all residents will be registered as community volunteers.
-- Encourage qualified enterprises to get listed in stock markets;
-- In-depth reform in monopoly industries for easier market entry and more competition;
-- Improved government efficiency and credibility
Video: NPC opens annual session:
The CPPCC is a political advisory body drawn from across party lines, although the number of delegates from each party is determined beforehand. Naturally, the dominating body is the CPC (Communist Party of China) but the idea is to have a wider representation of political opinion than the normal, largely CPC dominated government meetings.
The CPPCC (which I’m starting to think of CPC² to save time) grew out of postwar negotiations between the CPC and Kuomintang (KMT). Four years later, in 1949, the Political Consultative Conference was reborn as the People’s Political Consultative Conference and, as it’s first act, beefed up its name, approved the first five year plan, national anthem, flag, capital city and state name, and elected the first PRC government. In 1954, after that initial burst of hard work, the legislative function of the body was transferred to the National People’s Congress and now the role of the CPPCC, chaired by former electrical motor and appliance design and engineering student and mayor of Beijing Jia Qinglin, is more advisory, the CPPCC is not mentioned in the PRC Constitution and its formal responsibilities are not officially defined.
CPCC = Kinesiska folkets politisk rådgivande konferens (CPPCC) består av fler än 2 000 ledamöter från Kinas alla hörn. Representanter från Kinas mindre politiska partier, samt från så gott som alla minoritetsfolk finns här närvarande, och kontinuerlig översättning är nödvändig då inte alla talar mandarin.
If the responsibilities of the CPPCC are a bit unclear, the members of the NPC (National People’s Congress) wake up in the morning knowing exactly what they should be doing – as the highest state body and only legislative house, their job is to run China. Delegates are elected by a series of representative elections that start with the local electorates and advance, kind of like the World Cup, until someone is seated in the Great Hall of the People and the defeated have returned home. The president of the NPC is the president himself, Hu Jintao, who also happens to hold a postgraduate engineering degree in hub hydropower stations from Tsinghua University.
NPC = Nationella folkkongressen vilken officiellt är Kinas högsta lagstiftande organ. Av 2 987 ledamöter tillhör 2088 kommunistpartiet, och 888 kommer från landets övriga partier
Source: People's Daily Online