Stig Östlund

lördag, maj 01, 2010


HAMMOND, La. — BP says that the offshore drilling accident that is spewing thousands of barrels of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico could cost the company several hundred million dollars.
Tony Hayward, chief of BP, has tried to burnish the company's reputation.
Nobody really knows whether the London-based oil giant is being too conservative about the cost for the April 20 accident, which some experts say could end up as the biggest oil spill in history. The 1989 grounding of the Exxon Valdez off Alaska, for example, cost Exxon Mobil more than $4.3 billion, including compensatory payments, cleanup costs, settlements and fines./NY Times ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
En väsentlig skillnad mellan "spillet"nu i Mexicanska Golfen och det i Alaska 1989 är temperaturskillnaderna. Nedbrytningen tar väsentligt längre tid i Alaska.
