Stig Östlund

söndag, januari 10, 2010

Efter Ted Kennedy

"9 januari 2010 23:09:46 - Stig --On Tuesday, January 19th, there's a special election in Massachusetts to fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat.While the large majority of Massachusetts voters support the Democratic candidate, Attorney General Martha Coakley, special interests have poured in hundreds of thousands of dollars to mislead voters -- and the traditionally low turnout in special elections means this race could be very, very close.The stakes here are incredibly high. You know how hard we've fought and how close we've come to finally passing health reform. But also know this: To get the job done, we need Martha Coakley's vote in the Senate.--- [mailet fortsätter här med uppmaning om att alla i landet skall stödja Mrs Coakley] / Jeremy BirdDeputy DirectorOrganizing for America".-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Denna Martha Coakley (bilden) är inte vem som helst, läs om henne t.ex. här:
