Stig Östlund

tisdag, december 01, 2009


"General Motors Co.'s Saab brand is expected to meet a dead end at a two-day meeting of the car maker's board of directors that kicked off Monday evening in Detroit, said people familiar with the board's agenda.
Saab's best fate is that pieces of the Swedish company, such as vehicle technology, will be sold to a Chinese auto maker, according to two people briefed on GM Chief Executive Frederick "Fritz" Henderson's view.
But that could change if the board—which has shown considerable independence in recent months—has a differing opinion.".

Ovanstående är ur The Wall Street Journal. För att läsa vidare måste man abonnera på tidningen.
En del svenska tidningar skriver om ett litet hopp.
Mycket spännande.
Skall det bli kineser eller vad?
Min gissning: om inte kineserna köper SAAB (styckevis som GM-chefen i så fall tror) så blir det graven.
