Stig Östlund

tisdag, februari 17, 2015

JACC för proffs och någon gång för oss (mig)

Journal of the American College of Cardiology är för proffs och man (jag) hänger inte alls med. Men det kan dock finnas - sällan  - text som man (jag) kan hänga med ganska bra (och som bonus får bra träning i engelska) till exempel detta (intressanta) om elektroniska cigaretter:


"The first concept of an electric cigarette was patented in 1965 by Herbert A Gilbert. Subsequently, an aerosolized, high-frequency e-cigarette was patented in China by Mr. Hon Lik and Ruyan Technology; it entered the marketplace in 20035and was patented internationally in 2007. Ruyan has since registered patents in >40 countries, including the United States, and has already brought patent infringement lawsuits against several e-cigarette manufacturers. ---"
"-- As of early 2014, there were 466 brands and 7764 unique flavors of e-cigarette products. These products are now widely available online and in retail outlets in many countries across the world.---"
"--- Although the sale of e-cigarettes is prohibited in some countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, and Switzerland), it is allowed in most others, including the United States---"
