Stig Östlund

fredag, december 21, 2012

Obama to Nominate Senator John Kerry as Secretary of State, Official Says

President Obama plans to nominate Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts as secretary of state, a senior administration official said, succeeding Hillary Rodham Clinton and putting in place the first member of his second-term national security team.
John Kerry

The appointment of Mr. Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat and his party’s former presidential nominee in 2004, has been widely expected since last week, when Susan E. Rice, the ambassador to the United Nations, asked Mr. Obama to withdraw her candidacy for the post.

Tom Vilsack, USAs

Dags att repetera USAs viktigaste ministerposter i kabinettet:

The Secretary of State   "utrikesministern"
The Secretary of the Treasury "finansministern"
The Attorney General "justitieministern"
The Secretary of Defense "försvarsministern"
Teh Secretary of Labor "arbetsmarknadsminisern"
The Secretary of Agriculture "jordbruksminsitern"
The Secretary of Education "utbildningsministern"
The Secretary of Commerce "handelministern"
The Secretary of the Interior "inrikesministern"

