Stig Östlund

onsdag, oktober 31, 2018

Parkinson's disease and its causes

 Last reviewed

Parkinson's disease is a movement disorder. It affects the 
nervous system, and symptoms become worse over time.

Other movement disorders include cerebral palsy, ataxia, and
 Tourette syndrome.
They happen when a change in the nervous system affects a 
person's ability to move
or stay still.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) note that, in the United
 States, around
 50,000 peoplereceive a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD)
 each year, and around
 half a million people are
living with the condition.
Read on to find out more about this condition, the early signs, 
and what causes it.

What is Parkinson's disease?

Tremor in one hand is a early sign

Tremor in one hand is a early sign of Parkinson's disease.
The symptoms of PD develop gradually. They often start with a slight tremor in one hand and a feeling of stiffness in the body.
Over time, other symptoms develop, and some people will have dementia.
Most of the symptoms result from a fall in dopamine levels in the brain.
One study, based in France, found in 2015 that men are 50 percent more likely to develop PD than women overall, but the risk for women appears to increase with age.
In most people, symptoms appear at the age of 60 years or over.
 However in
 5–10 percent of cases they appear earlier. When PD develops
 before the age of
50 years, this is called "early onset" PD.

Early signs

Here are some early signs of PD:
  • Movement: There may be a tremor in the hands.
  • Coordination: A reduced sense of coordination and 
  • balance can cause 
  • people to drop items they are holding. They may be
  • more likely to fall.
  • Gait: The person's posture may change, so that they
  •  lean forward slightly,
  •  as if they were hurrying. They may also develop a 
  • shuffling gait.
  • Facial expression: This can become fixed, due to
  •  changes in the nerves
  •  that control facial muscles.
  • Voice: There may be a tremor in the voice, or the 
  • person may speak more softly than before.
  • Handwriting: This may become more cramped and 
  • smaller.
  • Sense of smell: A loss of sense of smell can be an 
  • early sign.
  • Sleep problems: These are a feature of Parkinson's, 
  • and they may be 
  • an early sign. Restless legs may contribute to this.
Other common symptoms include:
  • mood changes, including depression
  • difficulty chewing and swallowing
  • problems with urination
  • constipation
  • skin problems
  • sleep problems
REM sleep disorder: Authors of a study published in 
2015 describe 
another neurological condition, REM sleep disorder, as a 
predictor" for PD and some other neurological conditions.

The importance of recognizing early symptoms

Many people think that the early signs of Parkinson's are
 normal signs of 
aging. For this reason, they may not seek help.
However, treatment is more likely to be effective if a
 person takes it early in 
the development of PD. For this reason, it is important to get an early 
diagnosis if possible.
If treatment does not start until the person has clear symptoms, it will not be 
as effective.
Moreover, a number of other conditions can have similar 
These include:
  • drug-induced Parkinsonism
  • head trauma
  • encephalitis
  • stroke
  • Lewy body dementia
  • corticobasal degeneration
  • multiple system atrophy
  • progressive supranuclear palsy
The similarity to other conditions can make it hard for 
doctors to diagnose 
Parkinson's disease in the early stages.
Movement symptoms may start on one side of the body 
and gradually affect
 both sides.
