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The Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to James P. Allison, left, and Tasuku Honjo on Monday for their work on cancer research. When will the other Nobels be announced?
• The Nobel Prize in Physics will be announced today in Sweden.
• The Nobel Prize in Chemistry will be announced on Wednesday in Sweden.
• The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Friday in Norway.
• The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science will be announced next Monday in Sweden.
• The Nobel Prize in Literature has been postponed. The institution that chooses the laureate is embroiled in a scandal involving allegations of sexual misconduct, financial malpractice and repeated leaks — a crisis that led to the departure of several board members and required the intervention of the king of Sweden. Two laureates might be announced next year. Read about last year’s winner, Kazuo Ishiguro.
Stig Östlund
tisdag, oktober 02, 2018
2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to 2 Cancer Immunotherapy Researchers
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