Stig Östlund

fredag, september 02, 2011

The Solar Atmosphere

This image is from a series of mosaics obtained at the National Solar Observatory/Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope, with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS). Each of the nine subfields was individually speckle reconstructed using KISIP v6 and assembled into the mosaic. The final images are approximately 238 x 242 arcseconds, or four times four arcminutes, with a pixel scale of 0.0976 arcseconds per pixel. That's about 175,000 kilometers on a side, and the Earth would only be as big as the sunspot seen in the lower right. However, this image covers only two percent of the visible solar disk.

This image shows a broad range of typical chromospheric structures, including sunspots, superpenumbra, plage, filaments and quiet internetwork. A small flare is also visible to the right of the sunspot. Both calcium and hydrogen lines show the same structures, but with different sensitivies to temperature, density and dynamics. The NSO is operated under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. (Date of Image: August 2010)
Credit: Kevin Reardon; National Solar Observatory/Dunn Solar Telescope, with the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer (IBIS)
