Stig Östlund

fredag, september 02, 2011

Summit Station Night-Greenland

A view of Summit Station with, from left to right in the sky, a near-full, "super" harvest moon, the planet Jupiter, an aurora borealis and a fogbow (moonbow), caused by ice crystals reflecting in the moon light. The temperature was -25 degrees Celsius.
Located on the summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Summit Station is home to the Greenland Environmental Observatory (GEOSummit), established by the National Science Foundation with cooperation from the government of Greenland. The station is located atop 3200 meters of ice and is nearly 400 kilometers from the nearest point of land. Summit supports a diversity of scientific research, including year-round measurements of air-snow interactions that provide crucial knowledge for interpreting data from deep ice cores drilled both at Summit and elsewhere. To learn more about the observatory, visit the GEOSummit website Here. (Date of Image: September 2010)
Credit: Ed Stockard
